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224 Of C OM M UN ION with I. Declare that we have fuch fellowfhip with the Son of God. 2. Shew wherein that fellowfhip, or communion dotll confift. I. For the firlt, I (hall only produce fome few places of fcripture to con firm it, that it is fen I Cor. i. g. God is faithful by whom we are called to the fellowfhipofhis Son, Jefus Chrift our Lord. This is that whereunto all the faints are called, and wherein by the faithfulnefsof God they Gall be preferved, even fellowfhip with Jefus Chrift our Lord. We are called of God the Father as the Father, in purfuit of his love, to communion With the Son, as our Lord. Revel. iii. 20. (a) Behold IRand at the door and knock, if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come into him andfop with him, andhe with me. Certainly this is fellowthip, or I know not what is; Chrift will fup with believers he refrefhes himfelf with his own graces in them, by his fpirit bellowed, on them. The Lord Chrift is exceed- ingly delighted in rafting of the fweet fruits of the fpirit in the faints. Hence is that prayerof the fpoufe that the may have fomething for his entertainment, when he cometh to her, Cant. iv. 16. Awake, 0 north, wind, and come thou fouth, blow upon my garden, that the fpices there- of mayflow out, let my beloved come into his garden, andeat bispleafant fruits. The fouls of the faints are the garden of Jefus Chrift, the good ground, Heb. vi. 7, 8. A garden for delight, he rejoyces in them, his delights are with thefens of men, Prov. viii. 31. And be rejoyces over them, Zeph. iii. 57. And a gardenfor fruit, yea pleafant fruit, fo he de- fcribes it, Cant. iv. 12, 13, Iç. Agarden inclofed is myfitter, my fpoufe, a fpring flint up, a fountain,foaled; thyplants are an orchard ofpom ra- nates with pleafantfruits, camphire w h fpicknard, fpicknard andPeron, ealamus, and cynamon, with - all trees of franki,uenfe, mirrbe, and aloes; with all chieffruits. Whatever is fweet and delicious for taft, whatever favour and odoriferous, whatever is ufeful and medicinal, is in this gard- en. There is all manner of fpiritual refrefhments of all kinds whatever, in the foulsofthe faints for the Lord Jefus. On this account is the fpoufe fo earneft in theprayer mentionedfor an increafeofthefe things, that her belo- ved may fupwith her as he hath promifed. Awake O north wind, &c. Oh that the breathingsand workings of the fpirit of all grace, might ftir up all his gifts and graces in me, that the Lord Jefus the beloved of my foul, may have meet and acceptable entertainment from the ! God complains of want of fruit in his vineyard, Ifa. v. 3. Ha/: x. s. want of good food for Chrift's entertainment, is what the fpoufe fear'd, and labours to prevent. A barren heart is not fit to receive him. And the delight he takes in the fruits of the fpirit, is unfpeakable. Titis lae exprelfes at large, chap, v. n. I am come faith he, I have eat, I am refreflied. He calls it '19 MO the fruit of his fweetnefes; or moft pleafant to him. Moreover, as Chrift flaps with his faints, fo he hath promifed they fhall fup with him, to compleat the fellowthip that they have with him. Chrift provides for their entertainment in a molt eminent manner. There are beafts killed, and wine is mingled, and a table furnifhed, Prov. ix. 2. He calls the fpiritual daintiesthat he hath for them a feaft, a wedding : (b) A feat( offat things, wine upon the lees, &c. The fatted calf is killed for their entertainment. Such is the communion, and fuch is the mutual entertain- ment of Chrift and his faints in that communion. Cant. "ii. 1, 2, 3, 4, q, 6, 7. I am the rofe of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys. As the lily among the thorns, fo is my lave among the (n) John xis. a3. (5) Ira. ono. 6. Match. riti. 8. Reset. xix. 7. daughters