226 OJf Co nf l U N I oN with among the trees of the wood : and the adds this reafon of it, even be- ,caufehe bath the two eminent things of trees, which the readue of them have not : fruit for food : fhade for refrefhment : of the one The eáteth, ltnder the other the refleth, both with great delight. All other funs, either angels, the font of God by creation, ob i. 6. exxvïü. 7. or the 'Sons of Adam, the belt of his offspring, the leaders of thofe companies, wlaicdt a'. 2. are called daughters, or fans of the old creation is the tap branches of all its delireable things, are to an hungry, weary foul (filch alone feek for Trade and fruit) but as the fruitlefs, leafelefs trees of the fpreft, which will yield them neither food nor refrefhment. In Chrift, faith The, there is fruit, fruit fweet to the taft. Tea his fief, is meat in- deed, and hiá blood is drink indeed, John vi. 55. Moreover he hash brought forth that cverlafting righteoufnefs, which will abundantly fatisfy any hungry foul, after it bath gone to many a barren tree for food, and bath found none. I3eades he aboundeth in precious and pleafant graces; whereof I may (a) eat, yea the calls me to do fo, and that abundantly. Thefe are the fruits that Chrift beareth. They fpeak of a tree that brirgeth forth all things needful for life in food and raiment. Chrift is that tree of life, which bath brought forth all things that are needful unto life eternal : inhim is the righteoufnefswhich we (b) lounger after : in him is that water of life, which whofo (f) drinketh of; (hall thirff no more. Oh how fweet are the fruits of Chrift's mediation to the faith of his faints l He that can find no relief in mercy, pardon, grace, ac- ceptation with God, holinefs, fandiacation, d e. is an utter ftranger to tilde things (d) wine in the leës; that are prepared for believers. Alfo he lath /hades for refrelhment and Reber. Shelter from wrath with- out, and reFrefhment becaafe of wearinefs from within. The firft ufe of the (e) fhade, is to keep us from the heat of the fun, as did Jonah's gourd. When the heat of wrath is ready to fcorch the foul ; Chrift in- terpofìngbears it all ; under the fhadow of his wings we fit down con- ftantly, quietly, fafcly putting our trust in him. And all this with great delight. Ilea who can exprefs the joyof a foul, fafeshadowed from wrath, under the covert of the righteoufnefs of the Lord Jefus ? There is alfa, reftellitnent in a shade from wearinefs. He is as the fhadowof agreat rock in a weary. land, Ifa. xxxii. 2. From the power of corruptions, trouble of temptations, diftrefs of perfecutions, there is in him quiet reft and reptile, 3atth, xi. 27, 28. Having thus mutually defcribed each other, and fo made it manifef, that they cannot but be delighted in fellowfhip and communion, in the next verles that communion of theirs is at large fet forth and defcribed. 1 ;shall briefly obferve four things therein. Sweetnefs, Delight, Safety, comfort. (t.) Sweetnefs. He brought me to the banquetinghoufe ; or houfe ofwine. It is all fet forth under expreßìons ofthe greateft fweetnefs, and molt de- licious refrefhment, Flagons, Apples; Wine, etc. He entertains ate, faith the fpoufe, as fonie great perfonage. Great perfonages at great entertain- ments are had into the banqueting houfe, the houfe ofwine, and dainties. Tlaefe are the preparationsof grace and mercy, love, kindnefs, fupplies re- waled in the Gofpel, declared in the affemblies of the faints, exhibited by the Spirit. This love is better than Wine, Cant. i. a. it is, not in meats and drinks, but righteoufnefs and (f) peace, andjoy in the Holy Gboff. Got.- (a) Cantic. v t (b) ttatth. v. 6. (..) John vii. 38. (a) mo. xxv. 6. Prov. te. t (e) Jonah iv. 6. Ira. xxv. 4. Va. xxxü, 0. 2Cor. v. a,. Gal. ü, ,s. Mal. iv. x. ; (f) Rom. xìé. 17. John vii. 37 Prov. xxvü. 7. poi