each PERSON diffinffly. 22J pel dainties are fweet refrefhments. Whether thcfc houfes ofwine, be xhe fcriptures, the Gofpel, or the ordinances difpenfed in the afièmblies of the faints, or any eminent and fignal manifeftatians of efpecial love (as banqueting is not every day's work, nor ufed at ordinary entertainments) it is all one. Wine cheareth the heart of man, it maketh him forget- his ,mifery, Prov. xxxi. 6, 7. it gives him a chearful look and countenance, Gen. xlix. 12. is that which is promifed. The grace exhibited by Chrift in his ordinances, is refrefhing, ftrengthning, comforting, and full of fweet- nets to the fouls of the faints. Woe be to fach full fouls, as loath there bony combs. But thus Chrift makes all his affemblies to be banqueting houfes, and there he gives his faints entertainment. (a.) Delight. The fpoufe is quite ravilhed with the fweetnefs of this enter- tainment, finding love and care and kindnefs beflowed by Chrift in the affemblies ofthe faints, hence the cries out v. 5. Stay me with flagons, com- fort me with apples, for I amlick of love. Upon the difcovery of the ex- cellency and fweetnefs of Chrift in the banqueting houfe, the foul is in- ftantly overpowered, and cries out to be made partaker of the ful- nefs of it. She is fick of love, not as fame fuppofe fainting for want of afenfe of love, under the apprehenfions of wrath, but made lick, and faint, even overcome with the mighty a&ings ofthat divine affe&ion, after the had once tatted of the fweetnefs of Chrilt in the banqueting houfe. Her delire deferred, makes her heart rick, therefore She cries Stay vote, N,e. I have feeen a glimpfe of the king in his beauty : tattedof the fruit of his righteouftiefs, icy foul melteth in longing after hies, Oh fupport and fuf- tain my fpirit with his prefence in his ordinances, thofe flagons and apples of his banqueting houfes or I than quite fink and faint ! Oh what haft thou done bleffed Jefus ? I have fern thee and my foal is become as thechariots of Amminadab; let me have fomething from thee tofupport me, or I dye. When a perfon is fainting on any occafion, there two things are to be done firength is to be ufed to fupport him, that he fink not to the ground; and comfortable things are to be applied torefreih his Spirits. Tlrefe two, the foul overpowered, and fainting with the farce of its own love, raifedby a fenfe of Chrift, prayeth for, it wouldhave ftrength- ning grace to fupport it in that condition, that it maybe able to attend its duty ; and confolations of the Holy Ghott, to content, revive, and fatiate it, until it come to a full enjoyment ofChrift. And thus Sweetly andwith delight is this communion carried on. (3.) Safety. His banner over me was love, v. 4. The banner is an emblem of fafety and protection, a figs of the prefence of an lioft. Per- fons belonging to an army, do encamp under their banner in fecurity. So did the children of Ifrael in the wildernefs, every tribe kept their camps under their own Standard. It is alfa a token of fuccefs and vittory, Pfal. xx. 6. Chrift bath a banner for his faints: and that is love. All theirprotection is from his love; and they thall have all the protection his love can give them. This fafeguards them from hell, death, all their ene- mies, What ever preffes on them, it mall pafs through the banner ofthe love of the Lord Jefus. They have then great fpiritual fafety, which is another ornament or excellency of their communion with him. (4.) Supportment, and confolation. u. 6. His left band is under my bead, and his right band Both embrace me. Chrift here hath the pafture of a moft tender friend towards any one in ficknefs, and fadnef.. The foul faints with love; fpiritual longings after the enjoymentof his prefence, and Chrift comes in with his embraces. He nourifheth and cherifhetü his church, î pbef. v. 29. Ifa. lxiii. 13. Now the hand under the ha 1, e ,i