228 OfCOMMUNION with fupportment, fuftaining grace, in presfures and difficulties: and the hand that sloth embrace, the hand upon the heart, is joy and canfolation- in both Chrift rejoyceth as the bridegroom refoyceth over the bride, Ifa lxii 5. Now thus to lye in the arms of Christ's love, under a perpetual influence of fupportment and refreshment, is certainly to hold communion with him. And hereupon v. a. the fpoufe is molt carnet for the continuance of this fellowship, charging all fo to demean themfelves, that her belovedbe not difquieted, or provoked to depart. In brief this whole book is taken up in the defcription ofthe commu- nion that is between the Lord Chrift and his faints, and therefore it is very needlefs to take from thence any more particular inftances thereof. 1 it all only add that of Pìov. ix. 5, 2, 3, 4, g. Wifdom bath budded ber houfe,fhe loath hewn out berfeven pillars. She bath killedber beats, fie bath mingled her wine, fhe bathalfofurnifhed her table. She bath fensforth her maidens, fie cryethupon the highefl places of the city: Whofo is fìmple, let him turn in hither, asfor him that wanteth underflanding fleefaith to him, Come eat ofmy hrea , and drinkofthe wine that I have mingled. The Lord Chrift, the eternal wifdom of the Father, and who of God is made unto us, wifdom emits a fpiritual houfe, wherein he makes pro- vifron for the entertainment ofthofe guefts whom hefo freely invites. His church isthe houfe which he bath built on a perfet number ofpillars, that it might have a (table foundation: his slain beats, and mingled wine wherewith his table is furnished, are thofe fpiritual fat things of the Gof, pel, which he hath prepared for thofe that come in upon his invitation: furelyy to eat of this bread, and drink of this wine, which he hath fo gra- cioully prepared, is to hold fellowfbigyvith him; for in what ways or things is there nearer communion than in filch? I might farther evince this truth, by a conlderation of all the relations wherein Chrift and his faints do ftand, which neceifarily require that there be a communion between them, if we do fuppofe they are faithful in thofe relations, but this is commonly treated on, and fomething will be fpoken to it, in one fignal intance afterwards. CH AP.