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each PERSON diffincily. 229 Wff,W2MffAfflMMKNMM-t1MN5g9c.MMlxxite=ffiStiMitIMi% 1.11}.r 1,,1l11` c1 E11 ts1, Tlrll e llT '.. ..........a. ... 7ittìs2axnt4NREffimsnffiffifflEMENEEffiffiffixEMKSys:Mc:aMft C H A P. A. What it is, wherein we bave peculiar fellowfhip with the Lord Chrill. This is ingrace. This proved, Joh. i.14, 16, 17. a Cor. xiii. 14. 2 Theff. iii. 17, 08. Grace, of various acceptations. Perfonal grace in Chrifl props/ed to confederation. The grace of Chriff as mediator intended, Pfal. xlv. 2. Cant. v. 9. Chriflhow white andruddy. His fitnefs tofave from the grace of union. His fullnefs to fave. His fuitablenefr to endear. Thefe con- fiderationsimproved. AVI NG manifefted that the faints hold peculiar fellow- fhip with the Lord Yefus, it nextly follows, that we Phew wherein it is that they have this peculiar communion with him. Now this is in grace. This is every where afcribed to +' him by the wayof Eminency, Yoh. i. 14. He dwelt among us f ll ofgrace and truth. Grace in the truth and fubftánce of it. All that (a) went before wasbut typicaland in reprefentation, in the truth and fhb- fiance, it comes only by Chrifl. Grace and truth is by jefus Chrill, v. 17. And of his fulnefs we receive, andgrace for grace, v.16. that is, we have communionwith him in grace; we receive from him all manner of grace whatever, and therein havewe fellowfhip with him. So likewife in that apoftolical benedittion, wherein the communicationof fpiritual bleffings from the feveral perfons unto the faints, is fo exactly di- ftinguifhed ; it is grace that is afcribed to our LordJefus Chrifi, 2 Cor. xüi. 14. The grace of our Lord jefus Chrifl, and the love ofGod, and the commu- nion of Holy Ghofi be withyou all. Yea, Paul is fo delighted with this, that he makes it his motto, and the token whereby he would have his epiftlesknown, a Theff. iii. 17, 18. The Mutation ofPaul withmine own hand, fo I write, thegrace of our LordYe- fus Chriffbe with you all. Yea he makes thefe two, grace be with you, and the LordYefus be withyou, to be equivalent expreffions ; for whereas he of -- firmeth the one to be the token in all his epiftles, yet fometimes he ufeth the one only, fometimes the other of thefe, and fometimes puts them both toge- ther. This then is that which we are peculiarly to eye in the Lordr/efus, to receive itfrom him, even grace, Gofpel grace, revealed in, or exhibitedby the Gofpel. He is the head (tone in the building of the temple of God, to whom grace, grace, is to be cryed, Zech. iv. 7. Grace is a word of various acceptations. In its molt eminent fignificati- ons it maybe referred unto one of thefe three heads, (a) Ads xv. i,. Rom. xvi. 24. s Cor. xvi. 53. a Cur. xiii. i4. Gal. vi. ii. &pha vi. 54. M m m 1, Grace