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each PERSON diftinalÿ. 231 Pfalaxlv. 2. Thou at fairer than the children of men, grace is poured into thy lips. (a) He is beyond comparifon, more beautiful and gracious than any here below, fl'9'g' japhiaphia, the word is doubled to increafe its figni- ficancy, and to exalt its fubjeft beyond all comparifon. 5VZJ '3í0 9'ßy ttn'tvn K77n dv'w f ys the chaldee paraphraft, Thyfairnefs, o king mefah, is more excellent than the fans ofmen. Pulcher admodump1æ filiis hominutn, ex- ceeding defirable. Inward beauty and glory is here expreffed by that of outward fhape, form and appearance; (b) hecaufe that was fo much efteemed in thefe who were Co rule or govern, Ifa. iv. a. The prophet terming of him the branch of the Lord, and the fruit of the earth, affirms that he thall be beautiful and glorious, excellent and comely; for in him dwelleth the fulnefs of theGodhead bodily, Col. ii. 9. 'Cantic. v. 9. The fpoufe is enquired of as to this very thing, even con- cerning the perfonal excellencies of the Lord Chrift her beloved. What is thy beloved, fay theDaughters of Jerufalem, more than another beloved, o thou fairell among women, what is thy beloved more than another beloved ? and the returns this anfwer, v. to. My beloved is white and ruddy the chief- among ten thoufand. And fo proceedeth to a particular defcription of him by his excellencies, to the end of the chapter, and there conclodeth that be is altogether lovely, v: 16. whereof at large afterwards. Particularly he is here affirmed to be white and ruddy, a due mixture of which colours, compofes the molt beautiful complexion. c.) He is white in the glory of his deity, and ruddy ih the precioufnefs of his humanity. His teeth are white with milk, and his eyes are red with wine, Gen. xlix. sa. Whitenefs, if I may fo fay, is the complexionof glory; in that appearance of the molt high, the antient of days, Dan. vii. 9. it is fail, His garment was white as fnow, and the hair of his head aspure wool. And of Chrift in his Transfiguration, when he had on him a mighty luftre of the deity, His face did filine as the fun, and his raiment was white as the light, Matth. xvii. 2. which in the phrafeofanother evangelift; is, as white as fnow, foas no fuller on earth could white them, Mark ix. 3. It was a divine, heavenly, furpafhng glory that was upon him, Revel. i. 14, Hence the angels andglorified faints, that always behold him, and are fully tranflated into the image of the-tame glory, are ítí11 faìd to be in white Robes. (c) His whitenefs is his deity, and the glory thereof. And on this account, the chaldeeparapbrall afcribes this whole paffage, unto God. They fay, faith he, to the boiefe ofIfrael; who is the God whom thou wilt ferve? &c. Then began the congregation of Ifrael to declare the praifes of the ruler of the world, and faicl, I will ferve that God who is cloathed in a garment white as fnow, the fplendor of the glory of whole countenance is as fire. He is alfo ruddy in the beauty of his humanity; man was called Adam from the red earth whereof he was made. The word MS '1'1 =ttt here ufed points him out as the fecund Adam, partaker of jlefh and blood ; 'becaufe the chil- dren alfo partook of the fame, Heb. ii. 14. The beauty and comelinefs of the Lord Jefue inthe unionof both thefe in one perfon, !hallafterwards be declared. 2.) He is white in the beauty of his innocency, and holinefs, and ruddy in the blood of his oblation. Whitenefs is the badge of innocency and ho- (a) tir xi. r. Jerem. xxiii. 5 xxxiii, 15. Cecil iii. 8, vi, ru. (b) 'Q; ride: ras3r ;7141,1X8 cteneípe ee. mptrzv K2v I' afgbe vuegovrd`@. Porn!, r. in Rag. rode Suetoniur de Domielano,Commeodari fe vere- condia oats adeo kniebar, uc apud fenamm fie quondam jaftaverir; ll(que adhoc cereè animum mourn prohaftis & Imo, Sutton. Demie. nap. 8. Forma elegumia in rege Iaudaeur, non quad per fe decor oris. magri Chimari.debear, fed quia in ipfo volru rape reldcear generofa indole,, Calving in lac. (c) Rev. Rh 4, 5,d, 1t,7, 9,13,19,14. Íùtefs<