.each PERSON diflinctly. 233 [3.] Theexecution of hisoffice of mediation in his fingle perfoa iu re- fpe& of both -natures, wherein is confiderable, 3?va;)d', the agent, C`trift himfelf, God and man ; he is the principium quo ive;ysnadu ; the principle that gives life and efficacy to the whole work. And then the principium quad; that which operates, which is both natures diftindly conftdered. As alfó the lsp ses, or beanT;cn -rk ¢ioeee;ilotn , the effeHual working it felf of each nature; and laftly the l,lo7uco or ;2rtTéneaua, the effeft produced, which ari£eth from all, and relates to them all ; fo refolving the excellency I fpeak of, into his perfonal union. (a. His fulnefs to fave from the grace of communion, or the effefts of his union, which are free, and confequences of it, which is all the furni- ture that he received from the father by the union of the fpirit, for the work of our falvation. He is able to fave unto the uttermofi themthat come unto God by him, Heb..vii. 26. having all fulnefs unto this end com- municated unto him ; For it pleafed theFather that in him all fulnefs fhould. dwell. Cok i. 19. And he received not the fpirit by meafure, Yob. iii. 34. and from this fulnefs, he makes out a fuitable fupply unto all that are his ; grace fer grace, Joh. i. 26. had it been given him by meafure we had ex- haufted it. (3. His excellency to endear, from his compleat fuitablenefs to all the wants of the fouls ofmen. There is no man whatever, that hash any want in reference unto the things of God, but Chrift will beunto him that which he wants, I fpeak of thofe who are given him of his father. Is he dead? (a) Chrift is Life. Is he weak? Chrift is the power of God, and the wifdom of God. Hath he the fenfe of guilt upon him? Chrift is compleat righte- oufnefs, the Lord our righteoufnefi. Many poor creatures are fenfible of their wants, but know not where their remedy lies. Indeed whether it be life, or light, power or joy, all is wrapped up in him. This thenfor theprefent may fuffice in general to be fpoken of the per- fonal grace of the Lord Chrift. He hath a fitnefs to fave, havingpity,, and ability, tendernefs and power to carry on that work to the uttermoft; and a fulnefs to fave, of redemption and fanftification, of righteoufnefs and the fpirit; and a fuitablenefs to the wants of all our fouls, whereby he becomes exceeding deferable, yea alto;ether lovely, as afterward will appear in par- ticular. And as to this in the firft place have the faints diftinft fellowfhip with the Lord Chrift, the mannerwhereof (hall be declared in the enfuing chapter. Only from thisentrance that hatla been made into the defcription of him with whom the faints have communion, fome motives might be taken to ftir us up thereunto, as allo confiderations to layopen the nakednefs and infuflìciency of all other ways and things, unto which men engage their thoughts and defires. Something may be now propofed. The daughters of Jerufalem, ordinary common profelfors, having heard the fpoufe defcri- bing her beloved, Cant. v. 4, to, &c. inftantly are flirted up to feek him together with her, chap. 6. a. Whither is thy beloved turned afide, that we may feek bim with thee? What Paul Pays of them that crucified him, may be fpoken of all that rejeft him, or refufe communion with him. Had they known bim they would not have crucified the Lord ofglory, did men know him, were they acquainted in any meafure with him, they would not fo re- jeft the Lord of glory. Himfelf calls them Pimple ones, fools and (corners, that defpife his gracious invitation, Prov. i. 24. There is none defpifeChrift, but only they that know him not ; whofe eyes the God of this world hath (s) Col. iii. 4. r Cor. i. 04, 30. Jerem. :adj. 6. Nnn blinded