each PERSON diinc`tly. 235 MMMffiitiMffl0.1§EffiNtffiffiltiffiffiffiMNIYINMMY.Meiti.ctYlelkiM ca1,1,,;,sll1 f,`tg: S ffisg1ffi1Sh9ZgÇ?ffl Sy xEN!:iX^ESc%ffiSY!N:sfXts:tX:m CHAP. III. Of the way and manner whereby the faints bold communion with the Lord aril!, as to perfonal grace. The conjugal relation between Chrifl andthe faints, Cant. ii. 16. Ifa. xliv. q, &c. Cant. iii. t r. opened. The way of communion in conjugalrelation, Hof.iii. 3. Cant. i. r5. on thepart ofChri/I, on the part of the faints. HE next thing that comes under confideration, is the way whereby we hold communion with theLord Chrift, in re- fpe& of that perfonal grace, whereof we have fpoken. Now this the fcripturemanifefts to be by the way of a conjugal relation, he is married unto us, andwe unto bim ; which fpiritual relation is attended with fuitable conjugal affe&ions. And this gives us fellowthip withhim, as to his perfonal excel- lencies. This the fpoufe expreffeth, Cant. ii. 16. My beloved is mine, and I am his. He is mine, I poffefs him, I have interelt in him, as my head, and my husband, and I am his, poffeffedof him, owned by him, given up un- to him, and that as to my beloved in a conjugal relation. So Ifa. liv. 5. Thy maker is thine husband, the Lordof ho/ls is his name, and thy redeemer is the holy one of Ifrael, the Godofthe whole Earth [hall he be called. This is yielded as the reafon, why the Church Mall not be afhamed nor confounded in the midft of her troubles and trials, fie is mar- ried unto her maker, and her redeemer is her husband. And Ifa. lxi. io. fetting out the mutual glory of Chrift and his Church in their,walking to- gether, he faith it is, as a Bridegroom decketb bimfelf with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth her felfwith jewels. Such is their condition, becaufe funs is their relation, which he alfo farther expreffeth, ch. 62. v. q. As the bride- groom rejoyceth over the bride, fo [ball thy God rejoyce over thee. As it is with fuch perfons in the day of their efpoufals, in the day of the gladnefs of their hearts, fo is it with Chrift and his faints in this relation, he is a husband to them, providing that it may bewith them according to the ftate and condition whereinto he bath taken them. To this purpofe we have his faithful engagement, Hof. ii. t9, 20. I will, faith he, betroth tbee unto me for ever, yea I will betroth thee unto me in rigbteoufnefs, andin judgments, and in loving kindnefs, and in mercies, I will even betroth thee unto me in faitbfulnefs. And it is the main defign of the miniftry of the Gofpel to prevail with men to give up thernfelves unto the Lord Chrift, as he reveals his kindnefs in this engagement. Hence Paul tells the Corinthians, t Epifi. ch. si. v. a. that he had efpoufed them unto one husband, that he might prefent them as a draft virgin unto Chrift. This he had prevailed upon them for by the preachingof the Gofpel, that they Should give up themfelves as a virgin, unto him who had betrothed then to himfelf, as an husband. And