2q6 Of COMMUNION with And this is a relation wherein the Lord Jefus is exceedingly delighted; and inviteth others to behold him in this his glory. Cant. iii. t r. Go forth, faith he, Oye daughters of Jerufalem, and behold king, Solomon with the crown wherewith his mother crowned I,im, in the day of his efpoufals, and in the day of the gladnefs of bis beart. He calls forth the daughters of :7eru- firlem, all forts of profeffors, to confider him in the condition of betrothing and efpoufing. his Church unto himfelf, moreover he tells them that they (hall find on him two things eminently upon this account. (r.) Honour, It is the dayof his coronation, and his fpoufe is the crown, wherewith he is crowned. For as Chrift is a diadem of beauty, and a crown of glory unto Sion, Ifaiah xxviii. 5. So Sion alto is a diadem, and a crown unto him, Ifa. lxii. 3. Chrift makes this relation with his faints to be his glory and his honour. (2.) Delight. The day of his efpoufals, of taking poor finful fouls into his bofom, is the day of the gladnefs of his heart. John was but the friend of the bridegroom, that flood and heard his voice, when lie was taking his bride unto himfelf, and he rejoyced greatly, Sob. iii. 29. howmuch more then mull he the joy and gladnefs of the bridegroom him- felf, even that which is expreffed, Zeph. ni, 14. He rejoyceth with joy, he joys with finginq. It is the gladnefs of the heart of Chrift, the joyof his foul, to take poor (inners into this relation with hitnfelf. He rejoyced in the thoughts of it from eternity, Prov. viii. 3r. And always expreffeth the greateft willin7 nefs to undergo the hard task required thereunto, Pfalm xl. 7, 8. Heb. x. 7, 8. yea he was pained as a Woman in travail, until he had accomplifhed ir, Luke xii. 15. becaufe he loved his church he gave himfelf for it, Epbef. v. 26. Defpifing the fhame, andenduring the-Crofs, Heb. xiii. 2. that he might enjoy his bride; that he might be for her, and fhe for him, and not for ano- ther, Hof. iii. 3. This is his joy, when he is thus crowned by his mother. It is believers that are mother, and brother of this Solomon, Match. xii. 49, 50. They crown him in the day of his efpoufals, giving themfelves to him, and becoming his glory, 2 Cor. viii. 23. Thus he fets out his whole communionwith his church under this allu- flon, and that molt frequently. The time of his taking the church unto himfelf, is the day of his marriage, and the church is his bride, his wife, Revel. xix. 7, 8. The entertainment he makes for his faints, is a wedding fupper, Matth. xxii. 3. The graces of his church, are the ornaments of his queen, Pfal. xlv. v. 9, ro, ro, u, 12, t3, 14. And the fellowfhip he bath with his faints, is as that which thofe who aremutually beloved in a conju- gal relation to hold, Cant. t. Hence Paul in defcribing theft two, makes fuddainand infenfibletranftioris from one to the other, Epbef. v. from v.22. unto y. 32. concluding the whole with an application unto Chrift and the Church. It is now to be enquired in thenext place, how it is that we hold com- munion with the perfon of Chrift, in refpell of conjugal relations and affe- dions, and wherein this doth conflt. Now herein there are force things that are commonunto Chrift and the faints, and force things that are pecu- liar to each of*them, as the nature of this relation doth require. The wholemay be reduced unto thefe two heads. r. Amutual refignation of themfelves one to the other. 2. Mutual co;rfequential conjugal affeftions. r. There is a mutual refignation or making over of their perfons one to another. This is the firít aft of communion, as to the perfonal grace of Chrift.