238 Of CoMMuÑION with purchafe of grace and glory which he hath made, to be an husband to his faints, his church, tenders himfelf in the promifes of the Gofpel to them in all his defirahlenefs, convinces them of his good will towards them, and his all-fuflciency for a fupply of their wants, andupon their content toac- cept of him, which is all he requires or experts at their hands, he ingageth himfelf in a marriage covenant to be theirs for ever. (2.) On the part of the faints. It is their free, willing content to receive, embrace, and fubmit unto the Lord 7efiu, as their husband, Lord and Sa- viour, to abide with him, fubjed their fouls unto him ; and to be ruled by him for ever. Now this in the foul, is either initial, or the folemn content at the firft entrance of union, or confequential, in renewed arts of content all our days. I fpeak of it efpecially in this latter fenfe, wherein is is proper unto communion, not in the former, wherein it primarily intendeth union. There are two things that compleat this felf refignatiun of the foul. [I.] The liking of Chrift for his excellency, grace and fuitablenefs, far above all other beloveds whatever, prefering him in the judgment and mind, above them all. In the place above mentioned, Cant. v. 9, Ica. the fpoufe being earneftly preffed by profeffors at large, to give in her thoughts con- cerning the excellency of her beloved, in comparifon of other endearments, anfwereth exprefly, that he is the chiefefl of ten thoufand, yea e. 16. alto- gether lovely, infinitely beyond comparifon with thè choiceft created good or endearment imaginable. The foul takes a view of all that is in the world, the luft of the flefh, the tuft of the eyes, and the pride of life, and fees it all to be vanity, that the world paffeth away and the tuft thereof, t joh. ii. 16, 17. thefe beloveds are no way to be compared unto him. It viewsalto legal righteoufnefs, blamelefnefs before men, uprightttefs of con verfatien, duties upon convi&ion, and concludes of all as Paul dodo, Phil. iii. 8. Doubtlefs I count all thefe things lofs for the excellency of the know- ledge of Chrift 7ef s my Lord. So alto doth the church, Hof. xiv. 3, 4. re- jeEt all appearing afflftances whatever, as goodly as Afhvr, as promifng as Idols, that God alone may be prefered. And this is thefoul's entrance into conjugal communion with Jefus Chrift as to perfonal grace, the confiant prefering him above all pretenders to its affe&ions, counting all lofs and dung in comparifon of him. Beloved peace, beloved natural relations, be- loved wifdom and learning, beloved righteoufnefs, beloved duties, all lofs compared with Chrift. 12.1 The accepting of Chrift by the will, as its only husband, Lord and Saviour. This is called receiving of Chrift, oh. i. 12. and is not intended only for that folemn aft, whereby at firlt entrancewe dole with him, but alto for the confiant framer of the foul in abiding with him, and owning of him, as fuch. When the foul contents to take Chrift on his own terms, to fave him in his own way, Rom. ix. 31; 32. xx, 3, 4. and Pays, Lord, I would have had thee and falvation in my way, that it might havebeen partly of mine endeavours, and as it were by the works of the law, I atn nowwil- ling to receive thee and to be faved in thy way, meetly by grace, and tho' I would have walked according tomy own mind, yet now I wholly giveup any fell to be ruled by thy fpirit, for in thee have I rigltteoufaefs and ftrength, Ifa. xlv. 24. in thee am E jaftified and do glory, then dolls it carry on communion with Chrift as to the grace of lais perform. This it is to re- ceive the Lord Jefus in his comelinefs and eminency. Let believers exer- cite their hearts abundantly unto this thing. This is choice communion . with the fon Jefus Chrift. Let us receive hint in all his excellencies as lie beftows himfelf upon us. Be frequent in .thoughts of faith; comparing him