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each PERSON diftinc1dy. 239 him with other beloveds ; fin, world, legal righteoufnefs, and preferring him before them, counting them all lofs and dung in comparifon of him. And let our fouls be perfuaded of his fincerity and willingnefs in giving himfelf, in all that he is, as mediator, unto us, to be 'ours ; and let our hearts give up themfelves unto him ; let us tell him, that we will be for him and not for another ; let him know it from us, he delights to hear it, yea he fays, fweet is our voice, and our cciuntenance is comely, and We (hall not fail in the iflue of fweet refrefhment with him. DIGRESSION I. Some excellencies of Cori(1, props[ed to confideration to endear our hearts unto ham. His defcription. Cant. v. opened. TO flrengthén our hearts in the refignatioti mentioned of our felves unto the Lord Cltrifl, as our husband, as allo to make way for the ftirring of us up to thofe confequential conjugal affckions, of which men- tion (hall afterwards be made, I fhall turn afide to a more full defcriptionof force of the perfonal excellencies of the Lord Chrifl, whereby the hearts of his faints are indeed endeared unto him. In the Lord our righteoufnefs then,-.maythefe enfuing things be con - fidered, which are exceeding fuitable to prevail upon Our hearts to give up themfelves to be wholly his. t. He is exceeding excellent and defirable in his (a) deity, and the glory thereof. He is Jehovah our righteoufnefs, Jerem. xxiii. b. In the rejoycing of Sion at his coming to her, this is the bottom, Behold thy God, Ifa. xl. 9. we have feen his glory, faith the apoftie, what glory is that? The glory of the only begotten fon of God, Yoh, i. 14. The choicefl faints have been afraid, and amazed at the beauty of an Angel; and the flouteft inners havé trembled at the glory of one of thofe creatures in a low appearance, repre- fenting but the hack parts of their glory, who yet themfelves in their high eft advancement do cover their faces at the prefence of our beloved, as con fcious to themfelves of their utter difability to bear the rays of his glory, Ifa. vi. 2. Joh. xii. 39, 40. He is the fellow of the Lord of boils, Zech. xili. 7. And tho' he once appeared in the form of a fervant, yet-then he thought it no robbéry to be equal unto God, Phil. ii. 8. In the glory of this Majelly he dwells in light inacceflible. We cannot by fearehing find out the Al mighty to perfetìion, it is high as heaven, what canwe do? It is deeper than hell, what can rwe know ? The meafirre whereof ie longer than the earth, and broader then the Sea, yob. xi. 7, 8, 9. We may all fay one toanother of this, Surely we are more brutijfl than any man, and have not the underfianding¢f a Man. We neither learned *Pam, nor have the knowledgeof the holy. Who Nam. aid. f. r Coo. it. 9. vra, e>iii. 19. Eph. N. 8, 00. Pfel.lxxxvii. 7: Hob. ii. ro. Pfai. xc i. 26. Ifa. viii. r3: Luk: ü, 34. Rom. ix. 36. Per. 2.6. If x1.3. eh. 44. 6. ch. 45. ox. ch. 48..1. Rom. xio, ro. Reve: r r r. tealach, iii. r. Pf ii, ra; ifa. xxxv. 4. t a. la 5, 6. 10, 2210, 14, r5. Zech. ii. B, r,. Zech iii: r. Zech. xü. co. Math. xvi. 17. Loh. r. r6, 17. Joh. v. 18, 19. Joh. x. 3o. Joh. i. r 3, 10, Itch. Job. vi. 62. Joh. viii. 23. 58. Col. i. 06. Heb. i. a, 10, II, ra. Job. Hi. 13, 31. Job. xvi. 8. c v. a. P,ov.o.ii. 13. Joh,xoii. 5. Jana. xxiii. 6. r Jolt. v. so. Revel. is 18, 4, B. Aft. xx. s8. r Joh. Hi. 16. Phil. lb 6, 7, 8. r Tim. iii. r 6. Heb. ii. 16. ' Joh. iv. 3. Heb. x. 5. Joh. xx. 28. Aom. ìx. j. John x. 09, 3o, 31. M,Hh xvi. r6. Rom. viii. 50. Job, ii,. 16, r8. Col. i. 15. Joh. xvü: rP. 30.10: 6. Col. ii. 9: i Cor. viii:6. i Coe. ii, 8. mi. ixvür. r7. bath