244 Of COMíVIUNION with his bodily fubftance in the womb, unto that facred purpofe whereunto it was fet apart : fo that upon all accounts he is holy, harmlefs, undefiled: Add now hereunto, that he did no fin, neither was there aly gfüate foisaidin him, i Pet. ii. 22. that he fulfilled all righteoufnefs, Mat. ni. 15. his Fa ther being always well pleafedwith him, v. 57. on the account of his per- fed obedience, yea, even in that fenfe wherein he chargeth his Angels with folly, and thofe inhabitants of heaven are not clear in his fight, and his excellency and defireablenefs in this regard will lie beforeus : fuch was he, fuch he is, and yet for our fakes was he contented not only to be efteemed by the vileít of men, to be a tranfgreffor, but to undergo from God, the punifhment due to the vilell finners. Of whirls afterwards. The fulncfs of grace in Chrift's human nature, fets forth the amiablenefs and defireablenefs thereof : fhould I make it my bufinefs to confider his per- feftions, as to this part of his excellency, what he had from the womb, Luke i. 35. what received growth and improvement, as to exercife in the days of his flefh, Luke 1. 52. with the complement of them all, in glory, the whole would tend to the purpofe in hand. I am but taking a view of thefe things in tranfitu. Theft two things lie in open fight to all at the fluff confideration ; all grace was in him, for the kinds thereof ; and all degrees of grace for its perfeftions ; and both of them make up that fuir nefs that was in him ; it is created grace that I intend, and therefore I fpeak of the kinds of it; it is grace inherent in a created nature, not infinite,and therefore I fpeakof the degrees of it. For the fountainof grace theholy Ghoft, he received not him by meaf:re, gob. iii. 34. and for the communicationsof the fpirit, it pleafed the Father that in him fbould all fialnefr dwell,Cor. i. 13. that in all things he might have the preheminence. But thefe things are commonly fpoken unto. This is the beloved of our fouls ! holy, harmlefs, undefiled ; full ofgrace and truth; (a) full to a fufficiency forevery end ofgrace; full forpraftice, to be an example to men and Angels as to obedience ; full to a certainty of uninterrupted Çommunion with God ; full to a readinefs of giving fupply toothers ; full to fuit him to all the ()regions and necefiities of the foulsof men ; full to a glory not unbecominga fubfftence in the perfon of the fon of God ; full to a perfeft viftory in trials, over all temptations ; full to an exalt correfpondency to the whole law, every righteous and holy lawof God ; full to the utmoft capacity of a limited, created, finite nature; full to thegreateft beauty and gloryofa living temple of God ; full to the full pleafure and delight of the foul of his Father; full to an everlaflingmo- nument of the glory of God ill giving fuch inconceivable excellencies to the fon of man. And this is the fecond thing confiderable, for the endearingof our fouls to our beloved. -3. Confider that he is all this in une perfon. We have not been treating of two, a God and a man; but of (b) one who is God and man. That word that was with God in the beginning, andwags God, job. i, t. is alfo made flefh, y. 14. not by a converfion of its fell into flefh, not by appear- ing in the outward Ihape, and likenefs of flefh, but by affuming that holy () John i. t6. r Cot. xi. r. Ephef. v. a. a Pet. D. 21. Matth. iii. 17. Joh. t aJoh. i, es, a 5. (b) Q i "r homine, libetandos àb sterna morte homo fafiot eft, & ira od fu oflém humanìraris noltrs, fine fns majefiuisdlminurionerri es, uv mantes quad eraq altumcfq; quad flouern; ,cram fervi formam, Cl forms, in qua Oro parai if nqualis, adunireq at eto minuet ra 6nnte cano, nec tup ipituruemajeftra aßumprio ; talon ruin propneraze urriufq; fubftanóis, & in unan, ceeooeepretoeom, fufcipìm majeffare humilitea, à virtue infiemiras, 1 mortth,am s¢rnins, & d rependendú not necouditionis debims, úeruta iuviolabilis, Mara rli units paflififi, &c. Lea Serm I. de nat. thing