each PERSON difinêlly: 24:7 ing affeaions. Is our beloved loft who for our fakes was upon the earth, poor and perfecuted, reviled, killed ? No ! he was dead, but is alive, and lo he lives for ever, and ever, and hath the keys ofhell and death, Revel. i. 8. our beloved is made a Lord, and a ruler, Age ii. 36. He is made a King ; God Pets him his King on his holy hill of Sion, Pfal. ii. 8. (a) and he is crowned with honour, and dignity, after he had been made a little lower than the Angels for the fufferingof death, Heb. ii. 7, 8, g. and what is he made King of? All thingsare put in fubjeflion under his feet, v. 8. and what power over them hath our beloved? All power in heaven and earth, Mat. xxviii. 18. As for men ! he hath power given him over all fleih, job. xxiii 2. And in what glory doth lac exercife this power ? He gives eternal life to his cleft, ruling them in the power of God, Micah v. 3. until he bring them to himfelf; and for his enemies ! his arrows areTharp in their hearts, Pfal. xlv. 5. he dips his veflure in their blood, ¡fa. lxiii. 3. Oh how glorious is he in his authority over his enemies? In this world he terrifies, frightens, awes, convinces, bruifes their hearts and confciences, fills them with fear, terror, difquietment, until they yield him feigned obedience; and fometime with outward judgments, bruifes, breaks, turns the wheel upon them; ftains all his veflure with their blood; fills the earth with their carcaffes; and at laí1 will gather them altogether, beaft, falfe prophet, nations, &c: and raft them into that lake that burns with fire and brimftone, Pfal. ?x. Revel. ix. 26. He is glorioufly exalted above Angels in this his authority; good, and bad, Eph: i. 20, 21, 2a. far above principalities and powers, and might, and dominion, and every naine that is named, not only in this world, but in that to come; they are all under his feet, at his command, and abfolute difp'ofal. He is at the right hand of God, in the higheft exaltation poffi- ble, and in full poffeftion of a Kingdom over the whole creation ; having received a naive above enemy name, &c. Phil. ü. 9. Thus is he glorious in his throne, which is at the right hand of the (b) majefty onhigh; glorious in his commiflion, which is all power in heaven and earth; glorious in his name, a name above every name, the Lord of Lords, and King of Kings; glorious in his fcepter, a lcepter of righteoufnefs is the fcepter of his king- dom; glorious in his attendants, his chariots are twenty thoufand, even thoufands of Angels, among them he rideth on the heavens, and fendeth out the voice of his ftrength, attended with ten thoufand times ten thou- fands of his holy ones; glorious in his fubjefts, all creatures in heaven and in earth, nothing is left that is not put in fubjeftion tohim; glorious inhis way of rule, and the adminiftrationof his kingdom, full of fweetnefs, ef- ficacy, power, ferenity, holinefs, righteoufnefs and grace in, and towards his eleft ; of terror, vengeance, and certain deftruflion towards the rebelli- ous, angels, and men ; glorious in the iffue of his kingdom, when every knee fhall bow before him, and all íhall Rand before his judgment feat; and what a little portion of his glory is it, that we havepointed to ? This is the beloved of the church, its head, its husband ; this is he with whom we have communion, but of the whole exaltation ofJefus Chrift, I am elfe- where to treat at large. Having infifted on thefe generals, for the farther carryingon the motives to communion with Chrift, in the relation mentioned, taken from his excel- (a) Geo. xlix !o. Num.xxiv. 175 19. Pfal. ü; 1, a, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, e, 9. Pfal. lxxxix. 19, ao, 21, za, 23, 24, rf. cx. r, a, ;. If. xi. 1, 2. If,. xxxii a. chap. y3. ra; Ira. Ixiii. s, a, 3. J,,. mie. 5, 6. Dap. vii. 13, 14. Luke U. r1. Luke xix. 38. Joh. V. ca, 23. Aft. ü, 85, 36. chap. 5. 31. Phil. it 9, a?, 5,. Eph. t V. 20,21,22. Rev. V. 12, i3, 14. Revel üzix. l6. (b) Neb.,. 3. Epief.i. o,, Math, xxviü. 18. Phil. 55.7,8. RMel. xix. Pfal.tilt'. Pfat, Ixvíü. Dao.vii. so. lencies