her, Thou art all fair my love, there is no fpot in thee, Cant. iv. 7. partly he takes away 'our (pots, and flains by the renewing of the holy ghoft, Tit. iii. 5. and wholly adorns us with his own righteoufnefs, and that becaufe ofthe purity of his own eyes, which cannot behold iniquity; that he might prefent us to himfelf holy. 3.) Difcerning. He fees as doves, quickly, clearly, tbroughly ; to the bot- tom of that which he looks upon. Hence in another place it is faid that his eyes are as a flame offire, Revel. i. r4: and why fo? that the churches might know, that he is he, which fearcheth the reins and heart, Rev. ii. 23. he hath difcerning eyes, nothing is hid from liim; all things are open, and naked beforehiai, with whomwe have to do. It is faid of him whiff} he was in this world, that Jefus knew all men, and needednot that any fbould teflify of man, far he knew what was in man, Joh. ii. 24, 25. His piercing eyes look thro all the thick coverings of hypocrites, and the fnow of pre- tences that is on them, he fees the infide of all; and what men are there, that they are to him ; he fees not as we fee, hut ponders the hidden manof the heart, no humble, broken, contrite foul,.Gall b ofe one figh, or groan after him, and communion with him ; no pant of love, or delire is hid from him, he fees in fecret ; no glorious performance of the moll glorious hypo- crite will avail with him; his eyes look thro' all, and the filth of their hearts lies naked before him. 4.) Beauty and glory are here- intended alfo. Every thing of Chrift is beautiful, for he is altogether lovely, verfe 16. but molt glorious in his fight, and wifdom; he is the wifdotnof God's eternal wifdom itsfelf; his under- ¡landing is infinite, what fpots and limns are in all our knowledge? When it is made perfeft, yet it will fä11be finite, and limited; his is without fpot of darknefs, without foil of limitednefs. Thus then is he beautiful and glorious, his head is of gold, his eyesare doves eyes, waGed in milk and fitly fet. [3.] Thenext thing infilted on, is his cheeks, verfe 15. His cheeks are as a bed offpices; as fweet flowers, or towers of perfumes, or well grown flowers. There arc three things evidently pointedat in thefe words. r.) A fweet favour as from fpices, and flowers and towers of perfume. 2.) Beauty, and order, as fpices fet in rowsor beds, as the words import. 3.) Eminency in that word, as fweet or well grown, great flowers. Thefe things are in the cheeks of Chrift, the clialdee paraphraft, who ap- plies this wholetong to God's dealings with the people of the `Jews; makes thefe cheeks of the church's husband to be the two tables of (tone, with the various lines drawn in them, but that allufion is ftrained; as are moll of the conjeffures of that fcholiaft. The cheeks of a man are the feat of comelinefs, and man -like courage; the comelinefs of Chrift, as Bath in partbeen declared, is from his fulnefs of grace in himfelf for us. His manly courage refpefts the adminiftration of his rule, and government, from his fulnefs of authority, as was before declared. This comelinefs and courage; the fpoufe defcribing Chtift as a beautiful defireabie perfonage, to Gew that fpiritually he is fo, calleth his cheeks; fo to make up his parts, and proportion. And to them dotli the afcribe, I.) A fweet favour, order, and eminency, as God is faid to finell a fweet favour from the graceand obedience of his fervants (Gen. viii. 21. The Lord fmelled a favour of refs from the facrifice of Noah) fo do the faints finell a fweet favour from his grace laid up in Chrift, Cant. i. 3. It is that which they refi in, which they delight in, which they are refrehed with. As the finell of aromatical fpices, and flowers, pleafe the natural fenfe, refret the fpirits,