Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

each P ER SON d incily. 2 53 Lovely, in the glory, andmajefty wherewith he is crowned, now he is fet down at the right hand of majefty on high, where though he be terri- ble to his enemies, yet he is full of mercy, love and compaflton towards his beloved ones. Lovely, in all thofe fupplies of grace, and confolations, in all the dif- penfations. ofhis holy fpirit, whereof his faints are made partakers. Lovely, in all the tender care, power and wifdom, which he exercifes in theproteftton, fafeguarding, and delivery of his church, and people, in the oppofitionsand perfecutions whereunto they are expofed. Lovely, in all his ordinances, and the whole of that fpiritually glorious worfnip, which Ile hath appointed to his people, whereby they draw nigh, and have communion with him and his father. Lovely, and glorious in the vengeance he taketh, andwill finally execute upon the ftubborn enemies of himfelf and his people. Lovely, in the pardon he bath purchafed and doth difpence, in the re- conciliation he hath eftablifhed, in the grace he communicates, in the con folations he doth adminifter, in the peace, and joy, he gives his faints, in his allured prefervation of them unto glory. What (hall I fay? There is no endof his excellencies, and defireablenefs; he is altogether lovely, this is our beloved, and this is ourfriend, Oh! daugh- ters of Jerufalem. DIGRESSION II. Allfond wifdom laid up in Chriff. True wifdom wherein it confi/ls. Know- ledge of God, in Chriff only to be obtained. What of God may be known by his works. Some properties of God not difcovered but in Chriff only; love, mercy, others not fully but in him, as vindi!live ju/lice, patience, avifdom, allfuffi'eiency. No property of God favingly known but in Chriff. What to required to aflying knowledge ofthe propertiesof God. No true knowledge ofour felves but in Chriff. Knowledge of our felves wherein it coo iieth. Knowledge offin how to be had in Chriff. Alfa of righteouf- nefs, and ofjudgment. The wifdom of walking with God hid in Chrif. What is required thereunto. Other pretenders to the title of wifdom, ex- aminedand reje/led. Chriff alone exalted. A Second confderation of the excellencies of Chriff ferving to endear rt. the hearts of Them, who stand with him in the relation infifted on, a- rifes from that which in the miftaken apprehenfion of it, is the great darling of men, and in its true notion the great aim of the faints, which is wif- dam arid knowledge. Let it be evinced that all true and folid knowledge is laid up in, and is only to be attained from andby the Lord Yefue Chrift, and the 'hearts of men, if they are but true to themfelves, and their molt predominant principles, muff needs he engaged to him. This is the great debba of all men taken off from profelfed flavery to the world, and the purînit of fènfual, licentious courfes, that they may be wife, and what ways the generality of men ingage in for the compaf ing of that end, (hall be afterwards confidered. To the glory and honour of ourdear Lord Jefus Chrift, and the eftabliflrmert of our hearts in communion withhim, the S s s deign