Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

I X P IMT O A O ì' I A: OR, A I)FCLARATION OF THÉ GLORIOUS MYSTERY O F T H E Perlon of Chrift, &c. CHA.P.L PETER'S Confefon, Matt. xvi. 16. Conceits ofthe Pap js thereon. The Subtance and Excellency f that Confegion. 9,4k1J R bleffedSaviour enquiring of his difciples their apprehenfions concerning his perfou, and their faith in him, Simon Peter, as he was ufuelly the for- warden on all furls otcafons, through his peculiar endowments of faith and zeal, returns an anfwer in the name of them all, Matt. xvi: r6. And Simon YVl, 1'ía Peter anfwered and Paid, They art aryl the Son of the living God: Baronies and fundry others of the Roman church, do affirm that the Lord Chrift herein did prefcribe the form ofa general council. For here 13 fay