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each PERSON 353 difpenfed unto them. All treafures, all fulnefs, the Spirit not by meafure, are in him. And this fulnefs in this Yofepb, in reference to their condition, they eye in thefe three particulars. (a.) In the preparation unto the difpenfation mentioned, in the ex- piating, purging, purifying efficacy of his blood ; it was a facrifice not only of attonement as offered, but alfo of purification, as poured ours This the apofle eminently fets forth, Heb. ix. 13, 14. For if the blood of bulls and goats, and the afhes of an heifer, fprinkling the un- clean fanllii eth to the purifying of the flefhh, bow much more fhall the blood of Chrill, who through the eternal Spirit offered himfelf without foot unto God, purge your confciences from dead works, that you may ferve the living God d This blood of his is that which anfwers all ty- pical inilitutions, for carnal purification, and therefore harp a fpirituai- - 1y purifying, cleaning, fanffifying virtue in it Pelf, as offered and pour- ed out. Hence it is called a fountain for fin and fir uncleannefu, Zech. xiii. 1. that is, for their waffling and taking away. A fountain opened, ready prepared, virtuous, efficacious in' its felf, before any be "pat into it, bccaufe poured out, inflituted, appointed to that pur- pofe. The Saints fee that in themfelves they are dill exceedingly de- filed, and indeed to Have a fight of the defilements of fn, is a more fpiritual difcoverv, than to have only a fenfe of the guilt of fin. This follows every convi&ion, and is commenferate unto it; that ufually only fach'as reveal the purity and.holinefs of God, and all his ways. Hereupon they cry with lhame within themfelves, unclean, unclean, unclean in their natures, unclean in their perfons, unclean in their converfations. All rolled in the blood of their defilements (a), their hearts being by nature a very fink, and their lives a dunghil. They know alfo, that no unclean thing ¡hall enter into the kingdom of God, or have place in the new Jerufalem (b), that God is of purer eyes than to behold iniquity. They cannot endure to look on themfelves, and how ¡hall they dare to appear in his pretence ? What remedies ¡hall they now life ? Though they wafh themfelves with Nitre, and take them much foap, yet their iniquity will continue marked, Jerem. ii. 22. Wherewith then íhall they come before the Lord? For the removal of this, I fay, they look in the firfl place to the purifying virtue of the blood of Chrift, which is able to eleanfe them from all their fins, 1 Joh. i. 7. Being the fpring from whence floweth all the purifying virtue, which in the iffue will take away all their (pots and Plains ; Make them holy and without blemifb, and in the end, prefent them glorious unto himfelf, Eph. v. 26, 27. This theydwell upon with thoughts of faith; they roll it in their minds and fpirits. Here faith obtains new life, new vigour, when a fenfe of vilenefs bath even overwhelmed it. Here is a fountain opened ; draw nigh and fee its beauty, purity, ffhcacy. Here is a foundation laid of that work, whofe accom- plifhment we long for. One moment'scommunion with Chrift by faith herein, is more effettual to the purging of the foul, to the increafing of grace, than theutmoft Pelf endeavours ofa thoufand ages. (2.) They eye the blood of Chrift, as the blood of fprinkling. Corn- ing to Yefus the mediator of the new covenant, they come to the blood bf fprinkling, Heb. xii. 24 (c). The eyingof the blood of Chrift asfbed, will not of its felf take away pollution. There is nor only `Aimanzxuia, a !bedding of blood, without which, there is no remion, Heb. ix. 22. but (a)Fad. K,i. ¢, 6, Q n. Joh. iii. 3, s. (b) IIëv xarvoüv. 6ev. xi. 27. lieb. 4, , . (i) 'Arsa korr.K.. 1111 at there