each PERSON dltinc1ly. 35 way, this is their communion with Chrift; this is the life of faith as to grace and holinefs. Bleffed is the foul that is exercifed therein, Fie flail be as a treeplanted by the waters, that fpreadeth forth her roots by the river, andflail not fee when beat cometh, but ber leaf flail be green, andfhäll not be careful in theyear of drought, neither (hall ceafe fromyielding fruit, Jerem. xvii. 8. Convinced perfòns who know riot Chrift, nor the fellowfhip ofhis fuffetings, would fpin an holinefs out of their own bowels, they would work it out in their own frength. They begin it with trying endeavours, and follow it with vows, duties, refolutions, engagements, fweating at it all the day long (a). Thus they continue for a feafon ; their hypocrify for the molt part ending in apoftafy. The Saints ofGod, do in thevery entrance of their walking with him, reckon upon it, that they have a threefold want. [r.] Of the Spirit of holinefs, to dwell in them. [a.] Of an habit of holinefs, to he infufed into theirs. [e.] Of a&ual affiance, to work all their works for them ; and that if thefe fhould continue to be wanting, they can never with all their might, power, and endeavours, perform any one ad of holinefs before the Lord. They know that of themfelves (b) they have no fufciercy ; that without Ghri/1, they can do nothing, therefore they look to him who is intrufted with a fulnefs of all thefe in their behalf, and thereupon by faith derive from him an increafe of that, whereof they ftand in need. Thus, I fay, have the Saints communion with Chrift, as to their fan&ification and holinefs: From him do they receive the Spirit to dwell in them ; from him the new principleof life, which is the root of all their obedience, from him have they aaual affiftance for every duty they are called .unto. In waiting for, expeaation and receiving of thefe blefCings on the accounts before-men- tioned, do they fpend their lives and time with him. In vain is help looked for from other mountains. In vain do men fpend their ftrength in following after righteoufnefs, if this be wanting. Fix thy foul here ! thou fhalt not tarry until thou be afhamed. This is the way, the only way, to obtain full effeaual manifeftations of the Spirit's dwellingin us ; to have our hearts purified, our confciences purged, our fins mortified, our graces increafed, our fouls madehumble, . holy, zealous, believing ; like to him ; to have our lives fruitful, our deaths comfortable ; let us herein abide, eying Chrift by faith, to attain that meafure of conformity to him, which is allotted unto us in this world, that when we shall fee him ar beú, we may be like ante him. (.1 Rom. x. ,q. (b) Job. xv. 5. CHAP,