each P s diffiñgdy: 359 [3.] Unto the confcience of the perfon adopted. The Spirit of Chtift teftifies to the heartand confcience of a believer, that he is freed from all . engagements unto the family of fatan, and is beéome the fora ofGod, Rom. viii. 14, 15. and enables him to cry, Abbe, father, Gal. iv. 6: Of the particulars of this teftification of the Spirit, and of its abfolving the foul from its old alliance, 1 Gall fpeak afterward. And herein confifts the firít thing mentioned. (2.) There is an authoritative engrafting of a believer afually into the family of God, and inveftibg hitn with the wholeright of fonthip. Now this, as untous, hath fundry ads. [i.] The giving a believer a new name in a white Done, ken. ii. ì7. they that are adopted are to take new names, they change their names they had iii their old families, to take the names of the families whereinto they are tranflated. This new naine is, a child of God ; that is the new name given in adoption ; and no mankroweth what is in that name, but only he that Both receive it. And this new name' is given, and written in a white Done ; that is the Teffera of our admiffion into the houfe of God. It is a Done of judicial acquitment. Our adoption by the Spirit is bottomed on our abfolution in the blodd.of Jefus, and therefore is the new name, in the white Done ; privilege grounded on difcharge. The whiteDone quits the claim of the old family ; the new naine gives entrance to the other. [s.] An enrolling of his name in the catalogue of the houthold of God, admitting him thereby into fellowfhip therein. This is called the writing of the boufe bi' Ifrael, Ezek. xiii. 9. that is the roll, wherein all the names of Ifrael, the family of God are written. God lath a catalogue of his lioufhold ; Cliri/f knows bis freep by name. When God writeth tip thepeo- ple, he counts that this man was born in Sion, Pfal.lxxxvii. 6: This is an extra&t of the lamb's book of life. '13.3"Tertifying to his confcience, his acceptation with God, enabling him to behave himfelf as a child, Rom. viii. 15. Gal. iv. 5, 6. d. The two lai things required to adoption are, that the adopted pet= fon be freed from all obligations to the family from whencehe is tran- Bated, and inverted with the rights and privileges of that whereunto he is tranflated. Now becaufe thefe two comprize the whole iffue of adop- tion, wherein the faints have communion with Chrift, I (hall handle them together, referring the concernments of them unto thefe four heads. [1.] Liberty. [s.] Title, or right. [3.] Boldnefs. [4.] Correltion. Thefe are the four things in reference to the family of the adopted perfon, thathe doth receive by his adoption, wherein he holds communion with the Lord Jefus, [I.] Liberty, The Spirit of the Lord, that was upon the Lord Jefas did anoint him to proclaim liberty to the captive, Ifs: lxvii. 1. And where the Spirit of God is, that, is the Spirit ofChrift given to us by hitq becaufe we are fons, there is liberty, z Cor. iii. s7. All fpiritual liberty is from the Spirit ofadoption. Whatever elfe is pretended, is licentioufnefs. So the apoile argues, Gal. iv. 6, 7. He hatb fent forth his Spirit into your heart:, crying, Abbe,-father, whereforeye are no more fervents, no more in bondage, but have the liberty ofSons. r. And