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each PERSON dpnllly. S6 Firfi, The Curie. There is a folemn curfe enwraping the whole wrath of God, annexed to the law, with reference to the tranfgreffion there- of, and from this are we wholly at liberty, Gá1. iii. 13. By being made a curfe, he loath delivered us from the curfe. Secondly, Death, Heb. ii. t4, 15. and therewith from fatan, Heb. Cal. i. 13. and fn, Rom. vi. 14. t Pet. i. 18. with the world, Gal. i. t4. with all the attendences, and advantages, and claim of them all, Gal. iv. 3, 4, 5. Col. ü. 2e. without which we could not live one day. j' That which is pretended, and claimed by force, wherein indeed and in truth we were never in bondage, but are hereby eminently fet free, is the power of binding confcience by any laws and conftitutions, not from God, Col. ii. 20, 21, 22. 2.) There is a liberty in the family of God, as well as a liberty from the family of fatan ; fons are free, their obedience is a free obe- dience, they have the Spirit of the Lord, And where loe is, there is It" berty, 2 Cor. iii. 18. as a. Spirit of adoption, he is oppofed to the Spirit of bondage, Rom. viii. 15. Now this liberty of our father's fa- mily, which we have as fons and children, doing adopted by Cltril£ through the Spirit, is a fpiritual largenefs of heart, whereby, the children of God do freely, willingly, genuinely, without fear, terror, bondage, and conftraint go forth unto all holy obedience in Cltrift: I fay this is our liberty in our father's family ; what we have liberty from, bath been already declared. There be Gibeonites outwardly attending the family of God, that do the fervice of his houfe, as the drudgery of their lives; the principle they yield obedience upon, is a Spirit of bondage' unto fear, Rom. viii. 15. the rule they do it by, is the law in its dread and rigor, ex- alting it of them to the utmoft, without mercy and mitigation ; the end they do it for, is to fly from the wrath to come, to pacify con- fcience, and Peek righteoufnefs as it were by the works of the law. Thus fervilely, painfully, fruitlefly, they feek to ferve their own con- vi&ion all their days. The Saints, by adoption have a largenefs of heart in all holy obe- dience, faith David, I will walk at liberty, fir Ileek thy precepts, Pfal. cxix. 4, 5. Ifa. lxi. i. Luke iv. 18. Rom. viii. 2, 21. Gal. iv. 2, v. 1, 13. fames i. 25. jab. viii. 32, 33, 36. Rom. vi. 18. 1 Pet. ii. 16. Now this amplitude, or fon like freedom of the Spirit in obedience, confifts in fundry things. (i. In the principles of all fpiritual fervice, which are life, and love, the one refpefting the matter of their obedience, giving them power; the other refpefting the manner of their obedience, giving them joy, and fweetnefs in it. 1.] It is from life, that gives them power as to the matter of obé- dience, Rona. viii. 3. Tloe law of the Spirit of life in Chrifl fefus, fees them free from the law of fin and death, it frees them, it carries them out to all obedience freely. So that they walk after the Spirit, v. t. that being the principle of their workings, Gal. ii. 20. Chri/l lives in me, and the life which I now live in the fief, is by the faith of the fon of God ; the life which I now live in the fl f, that is, the obedi- ence which I yield unto God, whilft I am in the flesh, it is from a principle of life, Chrift living in me. There is then power for all yyyy living