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each PERSON dcfiinc`lly. X 63 they do but return the ftrength they do receive unto the fountain, unto the ocean. (3. Their motive unto obedience is love, 2 Cor. v. 15. from an appre- henfion of love they are effectually carried out by love,, to give up them- felves unto him who is love. What a freedom is this? what a largenefs of fpirit is in them who walk according to this rule ? Darknefs, fear, bon- dage, conviftion, hopes of righteoufnefs, accompany others in their ways ; the fons by the Spirit of adoption have light, love with complacency in all their walkings with God; the world is an univerfal ftranger unto the frame of children in their father's houfe: (4. The manner of their obedience is willingnefs. They yield them- felves unto God, as thofe that are alive from the dead, Rom. vi. 13. they yield themfelves, give up themfelves willingly, chearfully, freely; With my whole heart, faith David, Rom. xii. 1. they prefent themfelves a living facrifice, and a willing facrifice. (g. The rule of then walking with God is the law of liberty, as diveft- ed of all its terrifying, threatning, killing, condemning, cuffing power, and rendred in the blood of Jefus fweet, tender, ufeful, direfting, helpful as a rule of walking in thelife they have received, not the way of work- ing for the life they have not. I might give more instances. Thefe may fuffice to nianifeft that liberty of obedience in the family of God, which his Tons, and daughters have, that the poor convinced Gibeonitee are not ac- quainted withal. La.) The fecond thingwhich the children of Godhave by adoption, is title. They have title and right to all the privileges and advantagesof the family whereinto they are tranflated; this is the preheminence of the true fons of any family. The ground on which Sarah pleaded the ejeftion of ¡fameel was, that he was the fon of the bondwoman, Gen. xxi. so. and fo no genuine Child of the family, and therefore could have no right of heirship with Ileac. 'The apoftle's arguing is, We are no snorefervents, but fens, and if font then heirs, Root. viii. r4, -16. then have we right arid title, and being not born hereunto (for by nature we are the children of wrath) we have this right by our adoption. Now the Saints hereby have a double right, and title, r.) Proper and divert in refpeft of fpirituals. a.) Confequential in refpe& of temporals. i.) The first alfo, or the title as adopted fans unto fpirituals is in refpeft of the objet of it, twofold. (1. Unto a prefent place, name, and room in the houfe of God, and all the privileges and adminiftrations thereof. (2. To a future fulnefs of the great inheritance of glory of a kingdom purchafed for that whole family, whereof they are by Jefus Chrift. (a. They have a title unto and an interelt in the whole adminiftration of the family of God here. The fupreme administration of the houfe of God in the hand of the Lord Chrif, as to the inftittrtion of ordinances and difpenfation of the Spirit, to enliven and make effeftual thofe ordinances for the endof their institution, is the prime notion of this adminiftration. And hereof they are the prime objefts, all this is for them ; and exercifed towards them God hath given Jefus Chrift to be the head over all things unto the church which is his body, Ephef. i. 22, 23. he bath made him the head over all their Spiritual things, committed the authoritative administration of all