364 Of COMMUNION with all unto him, to the.ufe and behoof of the church, that is, the family of God. It is for the benefit and advantage of the many funs whom he will bring unto glory, that he doth all theft things, Heb. ii. 17. fee Ephef. iv. 8, g, to, 11, 12. the aim of the Lord Jefus in eftablifting Gofpel -ad- miniftrations, and adminiftrators, is for the perfeding of the faints, the work of the miniftry, &c. All is for them, all is for the family ; in that is the faithfulnefs of Chrift exercifed, he is faithful in all the houfe of God, Heb. iii. 2. Hence the apoftle tells the Corinthians, Ephef. ii. 22, 23. of all thefe Gofpel-adminiftrations, and ordinances they are all heirs, and all for them. What benefit foever redoundeth to the world by the things of the Gofpel (as much cloth every way) it is engaged for it to the children of this family. This then is the aim and intendment of the Lord Chrift in the inlitution of all Gofpel-ordinances and adminiftrations, that they may be of ufe for the houle and family of God, and all his children and fervants therein. It is true, the word is preached to all the world, to gather in the chil- dren of God's purpofe, that are fcattered up and down in the world, and to leave the reit inexcufable, but the prime end and aim of the Lord Chrift thereby, is to gather in thofe heirs of falvation unto the enjoy- ment of that Gaff of fat things which he hath prepared for them in his houfe. Again they, and they only have right, and title to Gofpel-adminiftra- Cons, and the privileges of the family of God, as they are held out in his Church according to his mind. The Church is the houfe of God, 1 Tim. iii. 55. Heb. iii. 6, herein he keeps and maintains Isis whole fa- mily, ordering them according to his mind and .will Now who Galt have any right in the houle of God, but only his children? We will not allow a right to any, but our own children in our houles, will God think you, allow any right in his houfe, but to his children ? Is it meet to take children's bread and to caft it unto dogs ? We Gall fee that none, but chil- dren have any right or title to the privileges.and advantages of the houle of God, ifwe confider, 1.] The nature of that houle, it is made up of fach perforas, as it is impoflìble thatany but adopted children fhould have right unto a place in it ; it is compofed of living fioces, 1 Pet. ii. 5. A chofen generation, a royal people, an holy nation, a peculiar people, o. 9. Saints and faithful in Chrift Jefus, Ephef. i. T. Saints andfaithfd brethren, Col. i. 2. a people that are all righteous, Ifa. lx. 61. And the whole fabrick of it glorious, Ifa. liv. 1 t, 12, 13, 14. The way of the houle is a way of holinefs which the unclean Gall not pafs through, Chap. xxxv. b. You exprefly they are the fans, and daughters of the Lord God almighty, and they only, 2 Cot. vi. 17, 18. All others are excluded, Rev. xxi. 27. It is true that often- times at unawares Other perlons creep into the great houle of God i and fo there becomes in it not only veffels of gold and filver, -but allo of rsod and clay, &c. 2 Tim. ii. 20. But they only creep in as Jude fpeaks; v. 4. they have no right nor title to it. 2.] The privileges of the heule are fuels, as they will not fuit nor profit any other. To what purpofe is it to give food to a dead man Will lie grow Prong by it ? Will he increafe upon it ? The things of the family, and houle of God, are food for living fouls, now children only are alive, all others are dead in trefpaíles,and fns. What will out- ward fgns avail, if life and power be away ? Look upon what particular you pleafe of the faints enjoyments in the family of God you lhall find them