Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

each P E>ä s o x 365 them all fuited unto believers, and being bellowed on the world would be a pearl in the fnout of a fwine. It is then only the fons of the family that have this right ; they have fellowlhip with one another, and that fellowfhip with the father and the fun Jefus Chrift. They fet forth the Lard's death till he come ; they ate entrufled with all the ordinances of the houfe, and the adminiftration of them, and who Mall deny them the enjoyment of this right, or keep them from what Chrift bath purchafed for them ? And the Lord will in the end give them hearts every where to make ufe of this title ae- eordingly ; and not to wander on the mountains, forgetting their raft- ing place. (2. They have a title to the future fulnefs of the inheritance that is purchafed for this Whole family by Jefus Chrift. So the apoffle argues, Rom. viii. 17. If children, then heirs, arc. All God's children are firft burn, Heb. xü. 23. and therefore are heirs, hence the whole weight of glory that is prepared for them, is called the inheritance, Col. i. t 2. The inheritance of the Saints in Belt. If you he Chrill's, then are you Abra- ham's feed, and heirs according to the promife, Gal. iii. 29. heirs of the promife} that is, of all things proiifed unto Abraham in and with Chrift. There are three things that in this regard the children of God are fail to be heirs unto. s.] The promife as in that of Gal. ili. 29. and Heb. vi. t t. God fhewa to the heirs of the promife the immutability of his counfel, as Abraham, Ifaae, and facob, are Paid to be heirs of the faine promife, Heb. xi. 9. God had from the foundation of the world, made a molt excellent pro- mife in Chrift, containing a deliverance from all evil ; and an engagement for the beftowing Ali good things upon them, it contains a deliverance from all theevil which the guilt offin, and dominion of latanhad brought upon them, with an inveftiture of them in all fpiritual bleffings in heavenly things in Chrift Jefus, hence Heb. ix. t g. the Holy Ghoft calls it a promife of the eternal inheritance. This in the fief} place are the adopted children of God heirs unto. Look whatever is in the promife which God made at the beginning to fallen man, and hath lince foleannly renewed, and con- firmed by his oath ; they are heirs of it, and are accepted in their claim for their inheritance in the court of heaven. 2.] They are heirs of righteoufnefs, Heb. xi. 7. Noah was an heir of the righteoufnefs which is by faith, which Peter calls a being heir of the grace oflife, i Pet. M. 9. And Yames puts both thrfe together, Jam. n. 6. Heirsofshe kingdom which Godbath promifed ; that is, of the kingdom Of grace, and the righteoufnefs thereof, and in this refpeft it is that theapp- í}1e tells us, Ephef. i. i i. That we have obtained an inheritance ; whirls he all() places with the righteoufzefs of faith, Ails xxvi, r3. Ngw by this righteoufnefs, grace, and inheritance, is not only intended that 5igh- teoufnels which we ate Itere aftually made partakers of, hut alfo the,epd, and accomplifhment of that righteoufnefs in glory, which is alto affueetl in the 33 Place. They are heirs of falvaeion, Heb. i. 14. And heirs accord- ingto the hope of eternal life Tit. iii. 7. whichPeter cads, An inheritance incorruptible, t Pet. ì. q. and Paul, The reward of the inheritance, Cvd. 24, that is, the Kim of the inheritance of light, and holi,nefs which they already enjoy. Thus then diftinguifh the full falyation by Chrift, into the foundation of it, the proinifes and means of it, righe teoufnefs and holinefs, the coil of it eternal glö,ry ; the fans of ,Çwl Z z z z have