Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

366 Of CoMMIINIoN With have a right and title to all in that, that they are made heirs with Chrift. And this is that which is the main, of the faints title and right which they have by adoption, which in fun is, that the Lord is their portion, and inheritance, and they are the inheritance of the Lord ; and a large portion it is that they have, The lines are fallen to them in a goodly place. Befides this principal, the adopted fons of God have a fecond con- fequential right, a right unto the things of this world, that is, unto all the portions of it, which God is plea`.ed to entruft themitere withal Chrift is the heir of all things, Heb. i. g. All right, and title to the things of the creation was loft, and foreited by fin. The Lord by his fovereignty, had made an original grant of all thingshere below for man's ufe; he had appointed the refidue of the- works of his hands in their fevers( fta- tions, to be ferviceable unto his behoof. Sin reverfed this whole grant, and inflitution, all things were fet at liberty from the fubje&ion unto him ; yet that liberty being a taking them off from the end, to which they were originally appointed, is a part of their vanity, and curie. It is evil to any thing to be laid slide as to the end, to which it was primitively appointed, by this means the whole creation is turned -loofe from any fubordinate ruler ; and man having loft the whole title, whereby he held his dominion over, and poffeffhon of the creatures, bath not the leaft colour of intereft in anyof them, nor can lay any claim unto them ; but now the Lord intending to take a portion to himfelf, out of the lump of fallen mankind; whom he appointed heirs of falvation, he Both lint immediately deftroy the works ofcreation, but referve them for their ufe in their pilgrimage. to this end he invefts thewhole right and title of them in the fecondAdam, which the firft had loft ; he appoints him heir of all things. And there- upon his adopted ones, being fellow-heirs with Chriff, become alfo to have. a right and title unto the things of this creation. To clear up this right what it is, I muff giveforce few obfervations. O. The right they have, is not as the right that Chrift bath, that is,. fovereign, and fupream, to do what he will with his own, but theirs Sub ordinate, and fuch, as that they mull be accountable for the ufe of thofe: things, whereunto they have a right and title. The right of Chrift, is the right of the Lord of the houfe, the right of the faints is the right of fervants. (2. That the whole number of the children of God have a right unto thewhole earth, which is the Lord's and the fulnefs thereof, in their two regards, r.] He who is the fovereign Lord of it, doth preferve it merely for their ufe, and upon their account, all others whatever beingmalo fidei popffores, invading a portion of the Lord's territories, without grant or leave from him. a.] In that Chrift hath promifed to give them the kingdom and domi- nion of it, in fucha way and manner, as in his providence he Thal] dif- pofe ; that is, that the governmentof the earth fhall he exercifed to their advantage. (g, This right is a fpiritual right, which doth not give a civil intereft, but only fanhifies the right and interdit bellowed. Godbath providentially difpofed of the civil bounds of the inheritance of men, Ails svii. 26. fuf feriae *L. --r:n of the world to enjoy a portion here, and that oftentimes very