each P Ek S o x dif inc ly: 567 very full, andplenteous, and that for his children fake, that thòfe beads of the foreft, which are made tó be deftroyed, may not break loofe upon the whole poffeffion. Hence, (4. No one particular adopted perfon, hath any tight by virtue there- of, to any portion of earthly things, whereunto he bath not right and title upon a civil intereft, given him by the providence of God. But, (g. This they have by their adoption, That r.] Look what portion foever God is pleated to give then, they have a right unto it, as it is reinvefted in Chrift, and not as it lies wholly under the curfe and vanity that is come upon the creation by fin, and therefore can never be called unto an account for ufurping that which they have no right unto, as Shall all the tons of men, who violently grafp thofe things which God hath fet at liberty from under their domini- on, becaufe of fin. a.) By this their` right they are led unto a fan&ified ufe ofwhat there- by they do enjoy, inafmuch as the things theinfelves are to them pledges- of the fathers love, walked in the blood of Chrift, and endearments upon their fpirits to live to his praife, Who .gives theta all things richly' to eitfoy. And this is a fecund thing we have by out adoption, and hence I dare fay of unbelievers, they have no true right unto any thing of what kind fo- ever, that they do poffef . They have no true, unqueftionable right I fay even unto the temporal things they do poffefs; it is true they have a ci- vil right in refpe& of others, but they have not a fanf ified right in re- fpent of their own fouls. They have a right and title that will hold plea in the courts of men, but not a right that will hold in the court of God, and in their own confcience. It will one day be fad with them, when they-Shall come to give an account of their enjoyments. They Shall not only be reckoned withal, for the abufe of that they have poffeffed, that they have not ufed, and laid it out for the glory of him whofe it is, but alto that they have ever laid their hands upon the creatures of God, and kept them from them, for whofe fakes alone they are preferved from deftrulion. When the God of glory (hall come home to any ofthem, ei- ther in their confciences here, or in the judgment that is for to come, and fpeak with the terror of a revengeful judge : I have fuffered you to enjoy corn, wine, and oil, a great portion of my creatures; you have rolled your felves in wealth and profperity, when the right heirs of thefe things lived poor, and low, and mean at the-next doors ; give in now an anfwer, what, and how you have ufed thefe things, what have you laid out for the fer- vice and advancement of the Gofpel? What have you given unto them for whom nothing was provided? What contribution have you made for the poor Saints? Have you had a ready hand, and willing mind to lay down all for my fake? When they Shall be compelled to anfwer as the truth. is; Lord, we had indeed a large portion in the world, but we took it to be our own, and thought we might have done what we would with our own, we have eat the far, and drank the fweet, and left the reft of our fuhffance for our babes; we have fpent fomewhatupon our lulls, fomewhat upon our friends, but the truth is we cannot fay that we made friends of this unrighteous mammon, that we ufed it to the advancement of the Gof- pel, or for miniftring unto thy poor Saints, and now behold we muff die, &c. So alto when the Lord !hall proceed further and queftion not only the ufe of theft things, but alto their title to them, and tell them, The earth is