368 Of C o dta M UN I c) v with is mine and the feelnefs thereof, I did indeed make an original grant of ìlm {e things to man, but that is loft by fin; Ihave reflored it only for my Saints, Why have you laid then your fingers of prey upon that which was not yours? Why have you compelled my creatures to ferne you, and your lufti, which I had fet st bofe from under your dominion ? Give me my flax, my wine and wool, I'll fee you naked as in the day of your birth, and revenge upon you your rapine, and unjuft poffeffion of that which was not yours. I fay at fuch a time what will men,io ? [3.) Boldnefs with God by Chrift is another privilege of our adoption ; but hereof Ihave fpoke at large before, in treating of the excellency of Chrift in refpeft of our approach to God by claim ; fo that I Mall not reaf- fume theconfìderation of it. [4.1 Affliftion alfo as proceeding from love, as leading to fpiritual ad- vantages, as conforming into Chrift; as fweetned with his prefence is the privilegeof children, Heb. xii. 3, 4, 5, 6. hut on thefe particulars I muff notinfli. This I fay is the head, and fource of all the privileges which Chrift hath purchafed for us, wherein alto we have fellowfhipwith him, fellow- fhip in name, we are, as he is, fons ofGod ; fellowfhip in title and right, we are heirs, co-heirs with Chrift; fellowfhip in likenefs, and conformity, we are predeftinated to be like the firft born of the family; fellowfhip in honour; he is not afbamesl to callus brethren ; fellowfhip in fafferings, he learned obedience by what he fuófered ; and every fon is to be fcourged that is received; fellowfhip in his kingdom; we (hail reign with him; of all which I mull fpeak peculiarly in another place, and fo (hall not here draw out the difeoutfe concerning themany farther. PA'Ri"..