369 0 COMMUNION W I T H GO D, &c. P AR T III. CHAP. I. The foundation of our communion with the Holy Ghofl, Job. xvi. t, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. opened at large. ,-r.eissMa., a comforter, who he is. The Holy Ghofl his ownwill in his coming to us, fent alfo by Chri(l. The Spiritfeat as afanllifier, and as a comforter. The adjunEls of his mif- Jlon confzdered. Thefoundation of bis mii lion, Joh. xv. 26. His procef- fnn from the Father, twofold: as topezfonality, or to office. Thingscon- fzderable in his proce ifion as to office. The manner of his collation. He is given freely; fent authoritatively. The fin agalnft the Holy Ghofl whence unpardonable; how we ask the fpirit of the Father. To grieve the Spirit, what ? Poured out. How the Holy Gho(1 is received; byfaith; faith's aElings in receiving the Holy Gho(t; his abode with us how de - clared. How we may loofe our comfort, whi/ the comforter abides withus. H E foundation ofall our communionwith the HolyGhoft, conûfting in his minion, or fending to be our comforter by Jefas Chrift, the whole matter of that Oeconomy or difpenfation is Prft tobe propofed and confdered, that fo we may have a right underffandingof the truth enquired after. Now, the main promife hereof and the chief con- fideration of it, with the good received, and evil prevented thereby, being given and declared in the beginning ofchap. xvi. of john I talc a view of the Rate of it as there propos'd. Our Aaaaa