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372 Of CoMMVNIot3 With Saviour is called 7raprbOoilcc, I yohn ü. 2. whether it be better rendered here an Advocateor a Confiner, may be doubted. Look into the foregoing occafion of the words, which is the difciples for. row and trouble, and it feems to require the Comforter ; forrow bath filled your hearts, but I will fend you the Comforter; look into the next words following, which contain his peculiar work, for which he is now promifed to be fent, and they require he Thould be an Advocate, to plead the caufe of Chrift againft the world, v. 8. I (hall choofe rather to interpret the pro- mife by the occafion of it, which was the forrowof his difciples, and to re- tain the name ofthe Comforter. Who this Comforter is, ourbleffed Saviour had before declared, chap. xv. 26. he is Or,i osa rñszhn& ioç, thefpirit of truth, that is the Holy Ghoft, who revealeth all truth to the fons of men. Now of this Comforter two things are affirmed, [o.] That he 1hall come... [2:] That Chrift !hall fend him. [i.] That he (hallcome; the affirmative of his coming on the perfor- mance of that conditionof it, of Chrift's going away, is included in the negation ofhis coming, without its accomplifhment, IfI go not away, he will not-come; if .I do go, dndvmray he will come; fo that there is not only the millionof Chrift, but the will ofthe Spirit in his coming; hewillcome ; his ownwill is in his work. [2.] rl4pad., rivrw, I willfendhim; the myftery offending the Spirit, our Saviour inftrufts his difciples in by degrees, chap. xiv. i6. hefaith, Iwill PRAT THE FATHER, He(hallfendyou anotherComforter. In the progrefs of his difcourfe he gets one .ftep more upon their faith, v. 26. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Gkoff,whomTHE FAT HERWILL .SEND IN MTNAME: but, chap.xv.26,hefaith,1 [VILL SEND HIM FROM THE FATHER; and here abfolutely I WILL SEND HIM. Thebufinefs of fending the Holy Ghoftby Chrift, which argues his perfonal proceffion alfo from him, the Son was a deep myftery, which at once they could not bear ; and therefore he thus inftruds them in it by degrees. This is the fum; the prefence of the Holy Ghoft with believers as a Comforter fcnt by Chrift for tlrofe ends and purpofes for which he is pro- mifed, is better and more profitable for believers, than any corporeal pre- fence of Chrift can be, now he bath fulfilled the one facrifice for fin, which he was to offer. Now, the Holy Spirit is promifed under a twofold conlìderátion. Firf, Asa fpirit offanftification to the cleft, to convert them, and make them be- lievers. Secondly, Asa fpirit ofconfolation to believers, to give them the privileges ofthe death and purchafeof Chrift : it is in the latter fenfe only wherein he is here fpokenof. Now, asto his prefence with us in this regard, and the end and purpofes for which he is fent, for what is aimed at, obferve, I.) The rife and fountain of it. 2.) The manner of his being gi- ven. 3.) Our manner of receiving Trim. 4.) His abiding with us. 5.) His afting in us. 6.) What are the effeets of his working in us. And then, how we hold communion with him, will from all theft appeal. What the fcripture fpeaketh to thefe particulars, (hall briefly be eon- fidered. r.) For the fountain of his coining, it is mentioned, Job. xv. 26. Rapp vl o Iÿs 6.0.stk1£wa, Heproceederh from the father; this is the fountainof this difpenfation; he proceedeth from the father ; now there is a twofold cacw.5.friot or proceffion of the fpirit. Dualsk