each PERSON diinc`lly. 373 (1. 4,uaeii, or s-re:1r, in refpeft of fubffance and perfonality. (2. 'Oueavoueaá,, or difpenfatory, in refpeft of the work of grace : of the fiat, in which refpeft he is the Spirit of the Father and the Son, pro- ceeding from both eternally, fo receiving his fubftance and perfonality ; I fpeak not : it is a bufinefs of another nature than that I have now in hand. Therein indeed lyes the firft and molt remote foundation of all our diftinc& communion with him, and our worship of him: but becaufe abiding in the naked confideration hereof, we can make no other pro- grefs, than the bare acquiefcence of faith in the mytery revealed with the performance of that which is due to the perfon, folely on the account of his participation of the effence, I fhall not at prefent dwell upon it. His vs.t,e is or proceeding mentioned in the place infited on is his ceconornical, or difpenfatory proceeding for the carrying on of the work of grace ; it is fpoken of him in reference to his being fent by Chrif after his afcenfion : I will fend him which proceedeth, namely, then when I fend him. As God is Paid to arife out of his place, Ifa. xxvi. 21. not in regard of any mutation in him, but of the new work which he would effe&; fo it follows, the Lord comes out of his place to punifia the inhabitants of the earth. And it is in reference to a peculiar work that he is faid to proceed, namely, to tetify of Chrit ; which cannot be af- figned to him in refpeft of his eternal procef ion but of his aftual dif- penfation ; as it is faid of Chrift, he carne forth from God. The fingle mention of the Father in this place, and not of the Son, belongs to the gradation before-mentioned, whereby our Saviour difcovers this myftery to his difciples. He fpeaks as much concerning himfelf, lob. XVI. 7. And this relation ad extra, as they call it, of the Spirit unto the Father and the Son, in refpeft of operation, proves his relation ad intro, in re- flied of perfonal pcocefiìon, whereof I Ipake before. Three things are confiderable in the foundation of this difpenfation, in reference to our communion with the Holy Ghot. 1.1 That the will of the Spirit is in the work ; çxar.nimmm, he crone forth himfelf; frequent mention is made, as we (hall fee afterwards, of his being fent, his being given and poured out : that it might not be thus apprehended; either that this Spirit were altogether an inferior,' created Spirit, a sneer fervent, as Tome have blafphemed, nor yet meetly and principally as to his perfonality the virtue of God, as Tome have fan- cied ; he hath 6lvuerrce aneÿ, perfonal properties applied to him in this work, arguing his perfonality and liberty ; u aog ray he of himfelf and of leis own accord proceedeth. 2.] The condefcenfion of the Holy Ghoft in this order of working this difpenfation, to proceed from the Father and Son, as to this work ; to take upon him this work of a Comforter, as the Son did the work of a Redeemer, of which afterwards. a,.] The fountain of thewhole is difcovered to be the Father, that we may know his works in the purfuit of elefting love which everywhere is afcribed to the Father. This is the order here intimated. irft, There is thenraj9ras of the Father; or the purpofe of his love the fountain of all : then the lgdzsore, the asking of-the Son, Job. xiv. 15. which takes in his merit, and purchafe, whereunto follows exw4,muoç, or the willing proceeding of the Holy Ghot. And this gives tetimony alfo, to the foundation of this whole difcourfe, namely, our peculiar communion with the Father in love, the Son in grace, and the Holy Ghot in con- folation. This is the door and entrance of that fellowlhip of the Holy Ghot, whereunto we are called. His gracious and bleffed will, his inrt- B b b b b nice