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ectch PERSON difi»cily. 375 And on this authoritative million of the Spirit, doth the right apprehen- fions of many myfteries in the gofpel, and the orderingofour heartgin coin- amnion with him depend. I.l Hence is the fin againft theHolyGhoft(what it is I do not now difpuite) pardonable:, and hath that adjunft of rebellion put upon it, that no other fin hath : namely, becaufe he comes not, he alts not in his own name only; though in his own alto, but in the name and authority of the Father and Son, from andby whom he is lent ; and therefore to fin agaitift liim, is to fin againft all the authority of God, all the loveof the Trinity and the ut, molt condefcenfton of each perCon to the work of our falvation. It I fay, from the authoritative miffion of the Spirit, that the finagäinft him is peculiarly unpardonable; it is a fin againft the recapitulation of tile love of the Father, Son and Spirit. And from this confideration, were that our prefent bafinefs, might the true nature of the fin againft the Holy Ghoft be inveffigated: Certainly, it mull confift in the contempt of faine. operation of his, as acting in the name and authority of the whole Trinity, and that in their ineffable condefcenfion to the work of grace: But this is of ano- ther confideration. a.] On this account, we are to pray the Father and the Son, to give the Spirit to us, Luke xi. r3. Tour heavenly Farber will give his Hóÿ Spi- rit to them that reek him : now the Holy Ghoft being God, is no left to be invocated, prayed to, and called on, than the Father and Son, as elfewhere I have proved; how thendo we ask the Father for him, aS' we do in all our fupplications, feeing that we alfo pray that he himfelf would come to us, vifit us; and abide with us? In our prayers that are direc'fed to himfelf, we confider him as eflentially God over all bleffèdfor evermore; we pray for him from the Father and Son, as under this million and delegation from them: And indeed God having molt plentifully revealed himfelf in the order of thisdifpenfation to us,we are,as chriftians generally do, in Our çom= mu!lion to abound inatifwerable addreffes, that is, not only to theperCon of the Holy Ghoft himfelf, but properly to the Father and Son, for him, which refers to this difpenfation. 3:1 Hence is that great weight in particular laid upon our not grieving the fpirit,'Eph. iv..30. becaufe he comes tous in the naine, with the lover and upon the condefcenfion of the whole bleffed Trinity. To do that which might grieve him fo fent, on fuch an account, for that end and pur pofe which lliall afterwards be mentioned, is a great aggravation of fin. He expeds:cheetful entertainment with us, and may do fo juftly upon his own account and the account ofthe work which he comes about : but when this alto is added; that he is fent of the Father and the Son, coinïniffioned with their love and grace, to communicate them to their fouls, this is that which is, or ought to be of unfpeakable efteein with believers. And this is that fecond thing expreffed in the manner of lois commutìication, he is fent by. He is Paid to be poured out, or flied on us; Titus iii. 6. á iV7e4 i ñ¡càç yrTaór_, that HolyGhoft which he loath richlypouredDiet upon úä, or fliedonus abundantly. And this was the chiefexpreffion ofhis coinipunication under the Old Teftament, the myfleryof the Fattierand theSon, and shematter o'f commithon and delegation being then not fo clearly difcoverbd,Ifa.xxxii. lÿ. Until theSpirit be pouredon us from on high, and the wildernefebe dfruit- fulfield, and thefruitfulfieldbe countedfor a forrefl ; that is, 'till the Gen- tiles be called, and the Jews rejefted . and chap. xlüi. 3. I willpour'my Spi rit upon. thy feed, and ny biding upon thy offspring. That eminent place of Zech. xti. ro. is always in our thoughts. Nosy this exprelionknówit