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- - each PERSON dZZY6aly. 377 ately, or under the name of fome fruit and effect of him, is the chiefeft work of faith in this world. (3. It cherilbeth him, by attending to his motions, improving his adings according to his mind and will. which is all I íhall fay to this third thing, or our receiving of the Spirit, which is fent of Jefus Chrift, we do it by faith, looking on him as purchafed by Jefus Chrift, and promifed of tlse'Father, we feek him at the hands of God, and do receive him. g.) The next confiderable thing, is his abode with us; now this is two ways exprelfed in the fcripture. (1. In general, as to the thing itfelf, it is faid, be fleall abide with us. (a. In particular, as to the manner of its abiding, it is by inhabitation or indwelling. Of the inhabitation of the Spirit, I have fpoken fully elfewhere (b), nor Ihall I now inift on it :. only whereas the Spirit, as hats been ob- ferved, is confidered as a Spirit of fanhification, or a Spirit of confolation: he is faid to dwell in us chiefly; or perhaps'folely, as he is a Spirit of fn- ¿¿lification; which is evident from the work he dots; as indwelling: he quickneth and fanlhfieth, Rom. viii. i 1. and the manner of his indwelling, as in a temple, which he makes holy thereby, a Cor. vi. and his permanency in-his fo doing, which, as is evident, relates to fan&ificationonly: but yet the general notion of it in abiding, is afcribed to him as a Comforter, Joh. xiv. 16. He fliall abide with your for ever. Now all the difficulty of this promife lyes in this, that whereas the Spirit of fan&ification dwells in us always, and it is therefore impofiible that we fhould lofe utterly our ho- liacfs; whence is it, that if the Comforter abide with us for ever, we may yet utterly lofe our comfort? a little to clear tisis in our paffage. t.l He is promifed to abide with the difciples for ever, in oppofition to the abode of Chrift : Chrift in the flefh, had been with them for a little while, and now was leaving them, and going to his Father. He had been the Comforter immediately himfelf for a feafon, but is now upon his departing; wherefore promifing them another Comforter, they might fear that he would even but vifit them for a little feafon alto, and then their condition would be worfer than ever. Nay, but faith our Saviour, fear it not, this is the laic difpenfation : there is to be no alteration, when I ans gone, the Comforter is to do all the remaining work : there is not ano- ther to be looked for, and I promife you him; nor Ihall he depart from you, but always abide withyou. a.] The Comforter may always abide with us, tho' not always comfort us; He who is theComforter mayabide, tho' he do not always that work: for other ends and purpofes he is always with us, as to fanctify and make us holy. So was the cafe with David, Pfal. na. Take not thy Holy Spirit from nie; the Holy Spirit of fandification was 1E11 with David, but, faith he, Ref ere unto me the joy of thy falvation, that is, theSpirit ofcon- folation; that was loft, when the promife was made good in the abode of the other. 3.] TheComforter may abide as aComforter, when he loth not aflually comfort the foul : in truth, as to the effence of holinefs, he cannot dwell in us; but withal he muff make us holy, for the temple of God is holy; but as to his comforting, his adings therein are all of his fovereign w111, fo that he may abide, andyet not actually comfort us. Cecee 4.] The (b) Perfeverance ofSaints, chap. viii. 0