Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

378 Of COMMUNION with q.] The Spirit often works for it, and tenders confolation ro us, when we do not receive it; the well is nigh, and we fee it not, we refufe to be comforted : I told you, that the Spirit, as a faniifier, comes with power to conquer an unbelieving heart ; the Spirit, as a Comforter, cones with fweetnefs, to be received in a believing heart; he fpeaks, and webelieve, not that 'tis his voice; he tenders the things of confolation, and we re- ceive them not: My fore ran, faith David, and my foul refisfed to be comforted. g.] I deny that ever the Holy Spirit doth abfolutely and univerfally leave a believing foul without confolation : a man may be darkned, clouded, refufe comfort, afually find none, feel none, but radically he bath a foundation of confolation, which in due time will be drawn forth: and therefore when God promifes, that he will heal firmer:, and refro comfort to them, as Ifa. lvii. 18. It is not that they were without any, but that they had not fo much as they needed, that that promife is male. To infift on the feveral ways whereby men refufe comfort, and come Ihort of the ftrong confolation, which God is willing that we fhould receive, is not my purpofe at prefent. Thus then the Spirit being fent, and given, abideth with the fouls of believers ; leaves them not, rho' he varioufly manifeft himfeif in his operations : of which in the next place. 428g280M ;MMITEMil;rCì7lrVVWe 4WZMAPIWZMUM IMMAfte'4i20 G H A P. H. Of the offing: of the Holy Ghofl in us, being beflowed on us. He work- eth effeiTually, difíributeth, giveth. AV ING thus declared from whence, and how the Holy Ghoft is given unto us as a fpirit of confolation I come in, q.) To declare what are his aftings in us, and towards us, being fo bellowed on us, and received by us. Now here are two general heads to be confidered. (r. The manner and kind of his aftings in us, which are varioufly exprefed : and, (a. The particular produfts of his aftings in our fouls, wherein we have communion with him. The firft is varioufly exprelred : I (hall pafs through thembriefly. r.] He is faid éegy ñr rework effeftually, i Cor. I2. s t. All theft work- etb or effe£leth that one andfellfame Spirit : it is fpoken there indeed in refpeet of his difiribution of gifts, but theway is the fame for the commu- nication ofgraces andprivileges : he doth it byworking,swhich as icon- vinces his perfonality, efpecially as confidered with the words following, dividing to everyman according to bis will (for to work according towill, is the infeparable property of aperfon,and is fpoken expreflyof God, Ebb. r. si:) fo in relation to v.6 foregoing, it makes no lefs evident his deity. What he ishere faid to do as the fpirit bellowedonus, and givenunto us; there is he faid as God himfelf to do. There are diverfities of operations, but