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each P E x s o rI 370 butit isone God that worketh all in all ; which here in other words isA!Í tkefe werketh thePelffame Spirit, dividing to every man at he will. What we have then from him we have by theway of his energetical working ; it is not by propofng this or that argument to us, perfuading us by aide of thofe moral motives or inducements alone, leaving us to make ufe of then; as we can ; but he works effectually himfelf, what he communicates of grace or confolation to us. a.] In the fame verfe, as to the Manner of his operation, he is Paid hit eV, he dividetb, or difiributeth to every one as be will. This of diftribu= tion adds to that of operation, choice, judgment, and freedoms He than diftributes varioufly, doth it with choice and judgment, and freedom of will; fuch are the proceedings of the Spirit in his difpenfations; to one he givech one thing eminently, to anotheranother: toone in one degree, to another in another. Thus are the faints in his fovereignty kept in.a confiant dependa.nce on him; he diftributes;as bewill ; who fhould not be content with his portion ? What claim can any lay to that which he diftri- buteth as he will? Which is farther manifefted, 3.] Byhis being faid:to give, when and what he beftows; they fpeak with other tongues, ás the Spirit gave them utterance, Ads ii. 4: he gave them to them, that is freely; whatever he bellows upon us, is of his gifts And hence it is to be obferved, that in the wconomy of our falvation, the afting ofno one perfon doth prejudice the freedom and liberty Of any other.; fo the loveof the Father in fending the Son is free, and his fend- ing Both no ways prejudice the liberty_aod live of the Son, but that hé lays down his life freely á1fä. So the fatisfaftion and purèhafe made by the Son, doth no way prejudice the freedom of the Father's grace in pardon= ing and acceptingits thereupon: fo the Father's and 'Son's fending of the Spirit dothnot derogate from his freedom in his workings, but hegives free= ly what he gives : and the reafon of this is, becaufe the will of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghofi, is effentially the fame ; fo that in the ailing of önë there is'the counfel of all, and each freely therein. Thus in general is the manner and kind of his working, in us and to- wards us, being bellowed upon us, defcribed: Power, Citified, freedom are evidently denoted in the expreflions infilied on: It is not any peculiar work of his towards us, that is hereby declared, but the Manner how lie doth produce the effefts that fhall be tnfifled on. That which remains in thehalt place for the explanation of the things propofed to be explained, as the foundation of the cominunìon which we have with the Holy Ghoit, is, (a. The effefts, that being thus Pent, and thus working, he doth produce, which I fhall do, not calling them into any artificial method, but taking themup as I find them lying fcattered up and down in the fcripture, only defcending from thofe which are mote general tothofe which are more particular, neither aiming nor defiring td gather all the feverals, but sniffling on thofe which do Molt obvioetfly occur. Only as formerly, fo now you mutt obferve, that I fpeak of the Spirit, principally, if nor onlyas a comforter, and not as a fanftifier : and there- fore the great work ofthe Spirit towardsus all our days, in tlie conftantanti continual fupplies of new light, power,vigour, as toour receivings of grace from him, belonying,to that head of fanftificatino, mull beomitted. Nor, fecbndly, fhall I infift on thole things which the Comforter doth in believers efFeft towards others, in his teftifying of them, and convincing of theworld which are promifed, Johrixv. 26: xvi:8, 9: wherein he is properly