properly their advocate, but only on thofe, which as a Comforterhe works in and towards them on whom he is beftowed. IiIMMEEIZENEEEKKAMENEYJX. CHAP. III. Of the things wherein we have communionwith the Holy Ghofl. He brings to remembrance the things fpoken by Chrifl, Joh. xiv. 26. The manner how he cloth it. The Spirit glorifies Chrifi in the hearts of believers,, Job. xvi. lg./beds abroad the love of God in them. The witnefs ofthe Spirit. what it is, Rom. viii. 16. The feelingof the Spirit, Eplr. i. 13. The' Spirit how an earneflon the part of God, on thepart of thefaints. Dif- ference between the earnefl of the Spirit, and tailing, of the powers of the world to come. Untíion by the Spirit, Ifa. xi. 2, 3. The various teachings of the Holy Ghofl. How the Spirit ofadoption, and offupplication.. HE things which in the foregoing chapters I called effe/s of the Holy Ghoft in us, or towards us, are the fubjeft matter ofour communion with him; or the things where- in we hold peculiar fellowlhip with hiss, as our Com- forter. Thefe are now propofed to confideration. t. The fielt and molt general is that of job. xis. 26. He"hall teachyou all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, that l have fpoken toyou. There are two parts of this pro mife. (s.) Of teaching. (2.) Of bringing to remembrance. Of his teaching I /hall fpeak afterwards, when I' come to treat of his anoint- a ing us. His bringing the things to remembrance that Clirift fpake, is the firft ge- neral promife ofhiss as a Comforter, . ,terncm babe wráois, heJhall makeyou mind all theft things ; now this alfo may beconfidered two ways. [s.] Merely in refpe&of the things fpoken themfelves. So our Saviour here promifeth his apoftles, that the Holy Ghoft fhould bring to their minds, by an immediate efficacy, the things that he had fpoken, that by his infpiration they might be enabled to write and preach them for the good and benefit ofhis church. So Peter tells us, s Eph. i. 21. Holy men of God fpake as they were moved by the Holy Cho/7, that is, in writing the fcrip- ture, buió sou eorl. áy/e ¢s j.osoer ; born up by him, carried beyond them- felves, to fpeak his words, and what he indited to them. The apoftles forgot much of what Chrift had Paid to them, or might do fo; and what they did retain in a natural way of remembrance, was not a fufficient foun- dation to them to write what they fo remembred for a rule of faith to the church.; for the word of prophecy is notfhes iitMoemo, from any man's proper rmpulfe; it comes notfrom any private conception, underftanding, or remembrance. Wherefore Chrift promifes that the Holy Ghoft fhall do this work, that they might infalliblygive out what he had delivered to them. Hence that expreflion in Luke i. 3. nraenrode°auhrr ays3a, is better rendred, having obtainedperfee knowledge o f things from abo, e; nothingthe rife and fpring of his fo underflanding things, as to be able infallibly to give them out in a rule of faith to the church, than the beginningof the things themfelvis fpoken of,' which the word í.tfelf will not ealìly allow of. [a.] In