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each P E R S O N diflincily. 38 t (12.1 in refped of the comfort of what he had fpoken, which feetiti to be a groat part of the intendment of this promife. Hehad beenfpeaking to them things fuited for their confolation; giving them precious promifes of the fupplies they fliould have fromhim in this life; of the love of the Father, of the glory he was providing for them, the fenfe and comfort Whereof is únfpeaktble, and the joyáriiìng from them full ofglory. But, faith he, I know how unable you are to mike oie of thefe things for your own confolation; theSpirit therefore fhall recover them upon your minds in their full ftrength and vigour for that end, for which I fpekk them. -And this is one caufe why it was expedient for believers, that Chrift's bodily ab- fence Mould be fupplred by the prefence of the Spirit. Whilft he was with them, how little efiìca:.y on their hearts had any of the heavenly pro- mifes hegave them? When the Spirit came, how full of joy did he make all things to them ? That which was his peculiar work, which belonged to him by vertue of his office, that he allo might be glorified, was referved for him, And this is his work to the end of die world, to bring the pro- mites of Chrift to our minds and hearts, to give us the comfort of them, the joy and fweetnefs of them, much beyond that which thedifciples found in them, when Chrift in perfon fpake them to them; their gracious influ- ence being then reftraincd, that, as was faid, the difpenfation of the -"Spi- rit might be glorified; fo are thenext words to this promife, v.27. My _peace I leave withyou, peace Igi; e untoyou. The Comforter being fent to bringwhat Chrift Paid to remembrance, the confequent of it is peace and freedom from trot:ble of hear_; whatever peace, relief, comfort, joy, fop- portment, we have at any time received from any work, promife,or thing done by Chrift, it all belongs to this difpenfation of the Comforter. Iii vain fhould we apply our natural abilities to remember, call to mind, con- fider the promifes of Chrift ; without fuccefs would it he it is fo dally but when. the Comforter Both undertake the work, it is done to the pur- pole. Howwe have peculiar communion with him herein, in faith and obedience, in the confolation received, in and by the promifes of him brought to mind, (hall be afterwards declared. This in general is obtain- ed. Our Saviour Jefus Chrift leaving the efficacy even of tlmfe promifes; which in perfon he gave to his apoftles in their great dittrefs, as to their confolation, unto the Holy Gheft, we may fee the immediate fpring of all the fpiritual comfort we have in this world, and the fellowfhip which we havewith the Holy Chaff therein. Only here, as inall the particulars following the manner of the Spirit's working this tiling, is always to be born in mind, and the intereft of his power, will, and goodnefs, in his workings. He dots this, t.) Powerfully, or effeftually, 2.) Voluntarily. g.) Freely. t.) Powerfully, and therefore doth comfort from the words and promifes of Chrift, fometnnes break in, through all oppofition, into the faddeft and darkeft condition imaginable; it comes and makes men fing in a dungeon, rejoyce in flames, glory in tribulation; it will into prifons, racks, through temptations, and the greateft diflrefs imaginable: whence is this? zt vc"v- xpyss the Spirit works ej5efualy i his power is in it; he will work, and none fhall let hint. If he will bring toour remembrance the promifes of Chrift for our confolation, neither fatan not man, fin norworld, nor death fhall interrupt our comfort. This the Saints, who have communion with the Holy Glioft, know to their advantage; fometimes the heavens are black over diem, and the earth trembles under than; publick, perfonal ca- lamities and diftteffes appear fo full of horror and darknefs, that they are Adddd ready