382 Of CoMMUNIoN with ready to faint with the apprehenfions of them. Hence is their great re- lief, and the retrievement of their fpirits ; their confolation not trouble depend not on any outward condition, nor inward frame of their own hearts, but on the powerful andeffecîual workings of the HolyGhoft, which by faith they give themfelves up unto. 2.) Voluntarily; diftributing to every one as he will; and therefore is this work done in fo great variety, both as to the fame perlons and diverfe. Forthe fame perfon, full of joy fometimes in a great diftrefs, full of con- folation; every promife brings fweetnefs, when his preffures are great and heavy : another time, in the leaft trial, feeks forcomfort, fearches the pre- mile, and it is far away. The reafon is, ' vola S,x,x rz.y<,, exn£ray the Spirit d/ributes as he will. And fo with divers perlons ; to foam each pro- mife is full of life and comfort; others tafte little all their days, all upon the fame account. And this faith efpecially regards in the whole bufinefs ofconfolation itdepends upon the fovereignwill of the Holy Ghoft, and fo is not tied unto any rules or courfe of procedure. Therefore doth it exer- cife itfelf in waiting upon him for the feafonable accomplifhment of the good pleafure of his will. 3.) Freely ;' much of the variety of the difpenfation of confolation by prómifes depends on this freedom of the Spirit's operation. Hence' it is, that comfort is given unexpeftedly, when the heart hath all the reafons in the world to look for diftrefs and forrow; thus fometimes it is the firft means of recovering a backfliding foul, who might juftly expert to be utter- ly caft off. And thefe confiderationsare to be carried on in all the other effefts and fruitsof the Comforter, of which afterwards. And in this fifth general effeft or workof the Holy Ghoft towards us, have we communion and felloWlhip with him. The life and foulofall our comforts lie treafured up in the promifesof Chrift. They are the breafts ofall our confòlation. Who knowsnot howpowerlefsthey are in thebare letter, even when improved to the uttermoft, byour confiderations ofthem and meditations on them? asalfo how unexpeftedly they fometimes breakin upon the foul, witha conquering, endearing life and vigour'? Here faith deals peculiarly with the HolyGhoft. It confiders the promifes themfelves, looks up to him, waits for him, con- fiders his appearances in the word depended on, owns him in his work and efficacy. No fooner doth the foul begin to feel the life of a promife warming his heart, relieving, cherifhing, fupporting, delivering from fear, entanglements, or troubles. but it may, it ought to know, that the Holy Ghoft isthere; which will add to his joy, and lead him into fel- lowship with him. 2. The next general work feems to be that of Yoh. xvi. t4. The Com- forterflail glorify me, for he flail receive of Mine, andfall flew it un- toyou. The work ofthe fpirit is to glorify Chrift : whence by the way we may fee how far that fpirit is from being the Comforter, who fets up himfelf in the room of Chrift; fuch a fpirit as faith, he is all himfelf: for as for him that fuffered at J'erufalem, it is no matter that we trouble our felves about him; this fpirit is now all. This is not the Comforter; his work is to glorify Chrift, him that fends him. And this is an evident fign of a falfe fpirit ; whatever its pretence be, if it glorify not that Chrift, who was now fpeaking to his apoliles ; and fuels are many that are gone abroad into the world. But what í1u!1 this fpirit do, thatChrift may be glorified? Heflail, faith he, take of mine, k u-ï lug Tñdelx,; what thefe things are, is declared in thenext verfe; All things that the Father lath are mine, therefore Ifaid, he all take of mine. ft is not of the Effence, and effential properties ofthe lather and Son, that our Saviour fpeaks, but of