each PERSON d16ù illy. [ 389 ], ledge are faid to be in him, Col. ii. 3. and though this be hut fome part oi the furnitureof Jefus Chrilt, for the difcharge of his office, yet it is filch, as where our anointing to the fain purpofe is mentioned; it is faidpecu- liarly on theeffe&ing of filch qualificptions as thefe, fo john ìi. 22,and 27. the work of the anointing is to teach us ,'the Spirit therein is a Spirit of wifdom and understanding, of counfel, knowledge, and quick chderflanding in the fear of the Lord. So was the great promife of the Comforter, that he fhould teach us, John xiv. 26. that he fhould guide us into Lail truth, . chap. xvi. 13. This of teaching us the mind and will of OA, in the manner wherein we are taught it by the Spirit, our Comforter, is an ézi- vent part of our union by him, which only I (hall inftance in. Give me leave, to fay there is a threefold teaching by the Spirit:. (t.) A teaching by the Spirit of convi&ion and illumination: fo the Sp rit teacheth the world, that is; many in it, by the preaching of the word, as he is promifcd to do, John xvi. 8. (a.) A teaching,úy theSpirit of fan&ification, opening blind eyes, giv- ing a new underftanding, fhinmg into oar hearts, togive us a knöwled.ge of theglory ofGod, in the faceofJefus Chr, enabling us to receive fpiritual things in a fpiritual light, rcor. ii. 8. gis ing a Paving knowledge of the myftery of the gofpel, and this in feveral degrees is common to all be= lievers. (3.) A teaching by the Spirit of confolation, making fweet, ufeful, and joyful to the foul, the difcoveries that are made of the mind and will of God in thelight of the Spirit of fandification. Here the oyl of the Spirit is called the oyl of gladnefs, that which brings joy and gladnefs with it; and the thename of Ghritt thereby difcovered, is a foeet ointment poured forth, that caufeth; fouls to run after him with joy and delight, Cant. i. at We fee it by dailyexperience, that verymany have little tafle and fweet- nefs, and relifh in their fouls of thofe truths, which y:t they favinglp know and believe : but when we are taught by this unftion, oh how fweet is every thing we know of God ? As we may fee in the place of Jahn, where mention is made ofthe teaching of thisundion, it refpedspeculiar- ly the Spirit teachingof us thelove of God in Chríff, the fhining of his countenance, which, as David (peaks, puts. gladnefs into our hearts, Pfal iv. 6, 7. We have this then by the Spirit, he teacheth usof the love of Gad in Chrift, he makes every gofpel truth as wine well refined toour fouls, and the good things- of it, to be a feaft of fatthings : gives us joy and gladnefs of heart; withall that we know ofGod, which is the great prefervatioe of the foul, to keep it clofe to truth. The apoftle fpeaks of our teachingby this un&ion, as the means whereby we are preferved from feduc'tion: Indeed to know any truth in the power, fweetnefs, joy, and gladnefs of it, is that greatfecurity of the foul's conftancy in the prefervation and retaining of it. They will readily change truth for error, who find no more fweetnefs in theone than in the other. I mutt crave the reader's pardon, for my brief patting over there great things of the gofpel: my prefent defìgn is rather to enumerate than to unfold them. This one workof the Holy Ghofl might it be purfued, would require a fuller difcourfe than I can allot unto the whole matter in hand. Allthe privileges we enjoy, all the dignity andho- nour we are invefted withal, our whole dedicationunto Gad, our nobility and royalty, our intereft in all church advantages, and approaches to God in worthip, our feparation from the world, the naine whereby we are called, the libertywe enjoy, all flow from this f f f ,, are all branches of this fioff