[3oo] Of COMMUNION with felt of the Holy Ghoft. I have mentioned only our teaching by this unftion : a teaching that brings joy and gladnefs with it, by giving the heart a fenfe of the truth wherein we are inflrufted. When we find any of the good truths of the gofpel, come home to our fouls with life, vigour and power ; giving us gladnefs of heart,transforming us into the image and likenefs of it, the Holy Ghoft is then at hiswork, is pouring out of his 8. We have adoption alfo by the Spirit; hence he is called the Spirit of adoption: that is, either he who is given to adopted ones, to fecure then of it, to beget in their hearts a fenfe and perfuafion of the Father's adopting love, or elfeto give them the privilege itfelf, as is intimated, John i. ra. Neither is that oppofite hereunto which we have, Gal. iv. 6. for God may fend the Spirit of fupplication into our hearts, becaufe we are fons, andyet adopted by his Spirit. But of this elfewhere. g. He is alfo called theSpirit offupplication, under which notion he is promifed, Zech. xii. to. and how he afFeds that in us, is declared, Rom. viii. o6, 27. and Gal. iv. 6. and we are thence faid to pray in the Holy Ghoff. Our prayers may be confidered two ways. (i.) As a fpiritual duty required of us by God ; and fo theyare wrought in us by the Spirit of fanftification, which helps us to perform all our du- ties, by exalting all the faculties of the foul for the fpiritual difcharge of their refpeflive offices in them. (a.) As a means of retaining communion with God, whereby we fweetly cafe our hearts in the bofom of the Father, and receive in re- frefhing tapes ofhis love. The foulis never more raifed with the love of God, than when by the Spirit taken into intimate communion with him, in the difcharge of this duty : and therein it belongs to the Spirit ofcon- folation, to the Spirit promifed as a Comforter. And this is thenext thing tobe confidered inour communion with the Holy Ghoft: namely, what are the peculiar effects which he worketh in us, and towards us, be- ing fo bellowed onus, as was declared, and working in the way and man- ner infifled on. Now thefe are, his bringing 'thepromifes of Chrift to re- membrance, glorifying him in our hearts, fheddingabroad the love of God in us, witneffingwith us, as toour fpiritual Rate and condition, feeling us to theday of redemption ; being the earneft of our inheritance; anointing us with privileges as to their confolation; confirming our 'adoption; and being prefent withus in our fupplication. Here is the wifdom of faith, to find out, and meet with theComforter in all thefe things : not to lofe their fweetnefs, by lying in the dark to their author ; nor coming fhort of the returns whichare required of us. CHAP.