Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

each PERSON (Vincily. C391á NX.? totòY4lloXáleh .9:-Ylfñto9tofe9.'nWPñYNte tdlnGe GfYofo oG.iG '7% '"*" h @G&iN G aG4 iG+i > .err -. C H .A P. IV. The general confequences in the hearts of believers, of the effects of the Holy Ghofl before-mentioned. Confolation; its adjuncts. Peace, Joy; how it is wrought immediately, mediately. AV ING proceeded thus far in difcovering the way ofour communion with the Holy Ghof, and Miffed on the moll noble and known effects that he produced], it remains that it be declared, what general confequenta of thefe effefls there are brought forth in the hearts of believers; and fo we (hall at lead have made mention of the main heads of his difpenfation, and work in the oeconomy of grace. Now hefe, as with the former, I (hall do little more than name; it being not at all in my deign, to handle the natures of them, but only to thew what refpeds they bear to the bufinefs in hand. t. Confolation is the fief of thefe. The difciples walked in the fear of the Lord, and in the confolationof the Holy Ghofi, Ads ix. 31. e , 49.- :oufac,s zs e11...Tgt.. He is i ml s ss\s -ed ,, and he gives 2,14d-hind from his work towards us, and in us, we have comfort and confolation This is the firft general confequent of his difpenfation and work. Whenever there is locution made ofcomfort and confolation in the fcrip- ture given to the faints, as there is moll frequently, it is the proper con- fegtient of the work of the HolyGhoft towards there. Comfort or confo- lation in general, is the fetting and compofing of the foul in reff and con- tentednefs, in the midit of, or from troubles, by the confideration, or pre- fence, of Tome good wherein it is interefted, out-weighing the evil, trouble, or perplexity that it bath to wreftle withal. Where mention is made of comfort and confolation properly fo called, there is relation to trouble or, perplexity : fo the ápoltle, t Cor. i. 5, 6. As thefirf Brings ofChrifi abound in us, fo our confolation alfo aboundeth ly Coriifl. Suffering and confolation are oppofed, the latter being a relief againf theformer ; fo are all the pro - mìfes of comfort, and all the expreffions of it in the Old andNewTefa- ment, fill propofed as reliefs againft trouble. And, as I faid, confolation arifeth from the prefence or confideration of a greater good, that out-ballancesthe evil, or perplexity wherewith we are to contend. Now in the effects or ads of the Holy Choit before-menti- oned, lye all the fprings of our confolation. There is no comfort but from them. And there is no trouble, that we may not have comfort in, and a, gainf, by them. That a than may have confolation in any condition, no- thing is required,.but the prefence of a good, rendring the evil, where- with he is preffed, inconfiderable to him. Suppofe a man under the greatef calamity that can poffibly befal a child of God, or a confluence of all thofe evils numbred by Paul, Rom. viii. 38, .& c. let this man have the Holy Chaff, performing theworks mentioned before toward him, and in defpight of all his evil, his confolations will abound. Suppofe him to have a