each _PERSON difiinélly. [393 ) Being juflified byfaith, we bave peace with Gad. A comfortable perfwa fion of our acceptation with God in Chrift, is the bottom of this peace, it enwraps deliverance from eternal wrath, hatred, curie, condemnation; all fweetly affeding the foul and confciénce. And this is a branch from the fame root with that foregoing : a con- fequent of theeffeds of the Holy Ghoft before-mentioned. Suppofe a man chafen in the eternal love of the, Father, redeemed by the blood of the Son; and juftified freely by the grace of God, fo that he bath a right to all the promifes of the gofpel; yet this perfon can by no reafonings notar-' goings of his own heart, by no conliderationsof the promifes themfelves, nor of the love of God, or grace of Chrift in them, be brought to any eftablifhment in peace, until it be produced in him, as a fruit and confe quent of the work of the Holy Gholt in him, and towards him. Peace is the fruit of the Spirit, Gal. v. 22. The favour of the Spirit is life and peace, Rom. viii.-6. All we have is from him, and by him. 3. Joy alfo is of this number. The Spirit, as was (hewed, is called the oyl of gladnefr, Heb. i. to. his anointing brings gladnefs with it, Ifa.lxi. 3. The oyl of joy for mourning. The kingdom of God is righteoufnefs, peace,- and joy in the Holy Ghoft, Rom. xiv. 17. t Thef. i. h. Received the gofpe , with joy in the IÍoly Ghofl. With joy, as Peter tells believers, unfpeakable, and full ofglory, 1 Pet. i. 8. To give joy to the hearts of believers, is eminently the work of the Comforter, and this he doth by the particulars before inftanced in ; that rejoycing in hope of theglory of God, mentioned, Rom. v. 2. which carries the foul throughany tribulation, even with glory- ing, bath its rife in the Spirit's (bedding abroad the love ofGod in our hearts, ver. q. Now there are two ways, whereby the Spirit worketh this joy in the hearts of believers. (a.) He doth it immediately by himfelf; without the confideration of any other ads, or works of his, or the interpoftion of any reafonings, 'or deduftions, and conclufions. As in fandification, he is a well of water fpringing up in the foul, immediately exerting his efficacy and refrefhment: fo in confolation, he immediately works the foul, and minds of men to a joyful rejoycing, and fpiritual frame, filling themwith exultation and glad- nefs; not that thisarifes from our reflex confideration of the loveof God, but rather gives occafion thereunto. When he fo sheds abroad the love of God in our-hearts, and fo filling themwith gladnefs by an immediate al andOperation, as he caufed John Bapti/l to leap for joy in the womb, upon the approach of the mother. of Jefus. Then doth the foul, even from hence, raife itfelf to a confideration of the love of God, whence joy and rejoycingloth alfo flow. Of this joy there is no account to be given, but that the Spirit worketh it, when, and how he will; he fecretly infufeth, and diftils it into the foul, prevailing againft all fears and forrows, filling it with gladnefs, exultations, and fometimes with unfpeakable raptures of mind. (2.) Mediately, by his other works towards us. He gives a fenfeof the love of God, with our adoption and acceptation with him : and on the confideration thereof, enablesus to receive it. Let what bath been fpoken of his operations towards no be confidered, what affurance he gives us of the love of God, what life, power, and ferocity, what pledge of our eter- nal welfare, and it will be eafily perceived, that he lays a fuflicient foun- dation of this joy and gladnefs: not that we are able upon any rational confideration, deduftion, or conclufion, that we canmake from the things mentioned, to affelt our hearts with the joy and gladnefs intended : it is gggg& left