Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

[394] Of CÖ ït%Ì M UN I O N with left no lefs the proper workof the Spirit to do it from hence, and by tiro intervenience of theft confidergtions, than to do it immediately withoiït them. This procefs ofproducing joy in the háart we have, 15fa1. xxiii. 5, 6. Thou anointefl my head with oyl. Hence is the conclufion, as in the way of exultation, farely goodnefs and mercyflail follow see. Of this effeft of the Comforter, fee Ifz. xxxv. throughout. q.. Hope alfo is, an effeci. of thofe workings of the Holy Ghoft in us, and towards us, Rom. xv: 53. Thefe, I fay, are the general conferments of the ends of the Holy bhoft upon the hearts of believers; which, if we might confider them. in their offspring, with all the branches that Boot out from them, in exuhá- tion, affurance; boldnefs, confidence, expeltation, glorying, and the like, it would appear how far our whole communion with God is influenced by- them : but I only naine the heads of things; and haftento what remains, it is the general and particular way of our communion with the Holy Ghoft, that fhould hextly enfue, but that fome other coniìderationsneeëffa- rìly do here interpofe themfelves. b rSNr,.ttroJb. ?.2^ CHAP. V. S`orne dbfervacinn:r "rind infereheàs from difeoUrfes fore$oîng, conceesting the -Spirit. The contempt uf whole ädminiftration of the Spirit by,fôiher ?I'pie vain pretetice of the Spirit by ótber,é. the falfe ,Spirit difcovered. Ii IS procefs being matte, I fheuldnow thew immediately hbw`ave hold the commonión'irópe-fed With the Holy Glroft, in the risings laid doyen, and ìnanifefted to contain his peculiar work towards us. But there are fóiñi: mifcafrï'ägés in the'wórld, in reference unto th's difpenfation of he I-Idly Gheft,, both 'on the one hand and the other, in contempt of his true work, and pretence òf that which is 'hot ; that I cannot but remark in my paffage; ivhich to d'o fliall be the bufinefs of this chapter. Take a view then of the Bate and copditi.bnof them, who profetiing to believe the gofpel of Jefus Chrift, do yet contemn and'defpife his Spirit, as to all its Operations, gifts, graces and difperifations tohis 'churches and faints. Whilft Cli'rift was in theworld 'who. his 'difdie es, he tnadetheni no'greater promi:fe,''neither in refpea oft eir Own good, nor bf carrying on the work which, he had committed to them, than this of giving 'chain ,tire Holy Ghoft. Him, he inftruetetí them ro prayfor of the Fattier, 'as that which is needful for them, as bread for Children, Lrtke xi. 53. Nina he protnifetis them, as a well of water fpringing up in them, for their re. frefhínent, ftrengthening and ceinfdlation, into'everiafting" life, 5'áh.Oli, gy, as alfo to carry on, änd accompl lh the whole Work of théaeinta ftry to them committed, sfoh.xvi. 8 9, 'lc. Witlí' all 'thofe eminent Works and privileges beforeanentioned. And'upon 'his afcotilìon, this is laid as the bottom of that glorious commt nicatión ofgifts and"graces, in his plen- tiful effufon'Mentiioned, Eph. iv. 8,'it,'in. namely, tirat'he had received of theFather the'promife of The Holy Ghoft, 'All. ii. 53.' and that in fuck on eminent manner, as thereby to'make the gteateffand molt glorious diffe- rence between the'adminiftrátion of the new covenant and old.. Efpecially doth