Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

I 396 j Of COMMUN ION `L4Jitl7 Chriffians! Yea, have not fome pretending themfelvcs to be leaders of the flockyea, mounted a ftory or two above their brethren and claiming a rule and government over them, made it their hufinefs to fcofF at and re- proach the giftsof the Spirit of God ? and if this were the frame of their Spirit, what might be expelled from others of profeffed prophanenefs ? It is not imaginable to what height of blafphetny, the procefs in this kind a- mounted. The Lord grant (there be nothing of this curled leaven ßï11 re- maining amongít us: Some bleatings of ill importance are fometimes heard. Is this the fellowlhip of the Holy Ghoft thatbelievers are called unto ? Is this the due entertainment of him whom ourSaviour prornifed to fend for the fupply of his bodily abfence, fo as we might be no lofers thereby? Is it not that enough that men fhould be contented with firth a fupid blind- nefs, as being called Chrillians, to look no farther for this comfort and confolation, than moral coniderations, common to Heathens, would lead them i when one infinitely holy and bleffed perfon of the Trinity, hath taken thisoffice upon him to be our Comforter, but they muff oppofe and defpife him alto? Nothing more difcovershow few there are in the world, thathave interelt in that bleffedname, wherebywe are all called. But this is noplace to purfue this difcourfe. The aim of this difcourfe is, to evince the folly and madnefs of men in general, who profefs to own the gofpel of Chrift, and yet contenta and defpife his Spirit, in whomfoever he is mani- fefted. Let us be zealous of the gifts of the Spirit, not envious at them. From what hath been dil'courfed we may alto try the Spirits that are gone abroad in the world ç and which have been exercifing ihemfelves at feveral feafons, ever fince the afcenfion of Chrift. The iniquity of .the ge- neration that is pail, and paffing away, lay in open, turfed, oppofition to the Holy Ghoft. God bath been above them wherein they behaved'them- felves prefumptuoufly. Satan, whofe defign, as he is God of this world, is to be upperinof, not to dwell wholly in anyform caß down by the pro- videnceof God, hath now transformed himfelf into an angel of light, and he will pretend the Spirit alto, and only. But there are feducing fpirits, s Tim. iv. t. And we have a command not to believe every; fpirit; but try thefpirits, i Job. iv. id. And the reafon added, is, becaufe manyfàlfe fpirits are gone abroadin the world, that is, men pretending to the revela- tion ofnew doiftines by the Spirit, whole deceits in the firft church Päül intimateth, a Theft: ii. 2. calling on men not to be fhaken in mind by fpi- rit. The truth is, the fpirit of there days are fo grofs, thata man ofa very eafy difcerning mayfind them out, and yet their delufion fo frong, that not a few are deceived. This is one thing that lyes evident to everyeye; that according to his wonted courfe, fatan with his delufions is run into an ex- tream to his former affings. Not long fince, his great defign, as I manifefted, was to cry up ordi- nances without the the Spirit, cafting all the reproach that he could upon him: now to cry up a Spirit without and againft ordinances, cafting allre- prach, and contempt poffible upon them. Then he would have a miniftry without the Spirit : now a Spirit without a minißry. Then the reading of the word might fuffice without either preaching or praying by the Spirit: now the Spirit is enough without reading or Birdying the word at all. Them he allowed a literal embracing of what Chrift had done in the flefh, now he talks ofChrift in the Spirit only, and denies him to be come inthe fefh, the proper charafter of the falfe fpirit, we are warned of, 'Jahn i. 3. Now becaufe it is moft certain that the Spirit, which we are tohear and embrace, is the Spirit promifed by Chrift, which is fo clear, that him the Montane .1rl11111