Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

f each PERSON difincly; [ 397 J hfontanifls Paraclete, yea, and Mabamet pretended himfelf to be, and thole of our days affirm alfo pretend the fame. Let us briefly try them by fome of the effects mentioned, which Chrift bath promifed to give the Holp (ihoit for. The heft general effe&, as was obierved, was this ; that be Ihould bring to remembrance the things that Chrift fpake for our guidance and confola- tion. . Thiswas to be the work of the Holy Ghoft towards the apoftles, whowere to be the penmen of the fcriptures: this is to be his work to- wards believers to the end of the world. Now the risings that Chrift bath fpoken and did, are written that we might believe, and believing have life throughhis noise, John xx. go. they are written in the fcripture. This risen is the work of theSpirit, which Chrift hath promifed lie (hall bring to our remembrance, and give us underftanding of the words of Chrift in the fcripture, for our guidance and confolation. Is this now the work of theSpirit, which is abroad its theworld, and perverteth many? Nothing lets. His bufinefs is to decry the things which Chrift bath fpoken, which are written in the word; to pretend new revelations of lais own; to lead tmen from the written word, wherein the whole work of God, and all the promifes of Chrift are recorded. Again, the work of the Spirit promifed by Chrift, is to glorify him. He frail glorify me, for he floall take of mine, andthew it untoyou, Johnxvi. Y¢1 him who was to fuller at Jerufalem, who tlaenfpake to his difciples; it was . to snake him glorious, honourable, and of highefteem in the hearts of be- lievers; and that by fhewing lais things, his love, kindnefs, grace and pur- chafe unto them. This is the work of the Spirit. Thework of the Spi- rit, that is abroad, is to glorify itfelf, to decry and render contemptible Clttift that fuffered for us under the none of a Chrift without us; which it flights and defpifeth, and that profeffedly. Its own glory, its ownhonour is all that it aimsat: wholly inverting the.order ofthedivine difpenfations. The fountain of all being, and lying in the Father'slove, the Son came to glorify the Father. He hill fays, I feek not my otanglory, hut the gloryof him that fent me. The Sonhaving carried on the workof redemption,was now to beglorified with the Father. So he prays that it might be, Jo.xvii.t. The hour is come, glorify thy Son, and that with the glory which he had be-. fore the world, when Isis joint counfel was in the carrying on the Father's love. Wherefore the Holy Ghoft is fent, and lais work is to glorify the Son ;; but now, as I fold, wehave a Spirit come forth, whofe whole buff , nefs is to glorify himfelf; whereby we say eahly knowwhence he Furthermore, the Holy Ghoft fheds abroad the loveofGod-in our hearts, as was declared ; and thence fills them with joy, peace, and hope; quieting and refrefhingthe heartsof ehem in whom he dwells, giving them liberty and re(t, confidence and the boldnefs of children. This Spirit, whereof men now boaft, is a Spirit of bondage; whofe utmoft work is to make ,men quake and tremble, calling them into an unfonlike frame of Spirit, driving them up and down with horror and bondage, and drinking up their very natural fpirits, an$ milking their whole man wither away. There isfcarce any one thing, that more evidently manifeftetli the fpirit whereby Tome arts now afted, not to bethe Comforter promifed by Chrift than this, That he' is a fpirit of bondage and flavery in them in whom he is; and a fpirit of cruelty and .reproach towards others, in a dire& op'poftion to the Holy. Ghoft in believers, and all theends and purpofes; for which; as a Spirit of adoption and confolation, he is bellowed on them. To give one inftance more; theHoly Ghoft bellowed on believers, is a Spirit of prayer and fupplication, as was manifefted. Tise Spirit where. h h h h la with.