each PERSON diflinc`Ily. [3991 neither faint when thou art reproved. One of there extreamsdo men ufual- l'y fall into; either they defpife the Lord'scorre&ion, or fink under it. [r.] Men defpife it they account that which befals them to be a light or common thing. They take no notice of God in it. They canfhift with it well enough: they look on inftruments, fecond caufes, provide for their own- defence andvindication; with little regard to God, or his hand in their affliction. And the ground of this is, becaufe they take in fucçours in, their trouble, that God will not mix his grace withal. They fix on other remedies than what he bath appointed, andutterly lofe all the benefits and adbantageof their afhi&ion. And fo Ihall every man do that relieves him -, felf from any thing, but the confolationsof the Holy Ghoft. [2.] Men faint and Pink under their trials andafllitions which the apoftle farther reproves, v. 12. They firlt defpife the afiiftance, of the Holy Ghoft through pride of heart, the latter refufe it through deJeclednefs of fpirit, and fink under the weight of their troubles. And who almoft is there that offends not on one ofthefe hands? Had we not learned to count light of the chaflifements of the Lord, and to take little notice of his dealings with us; we lbould find the feafon of our al-hicîions to comprize no finall portion of our pilgrimage. Now there is no due management of our fouls under any afiliftion, fn that God may have the glory of it; and ourfelves any fpiritual benefit or improvement thereby; but by the confolations of the Holy, Ghoft. All that our Saviour promifeth his difciples, when he tells them of the great tryals and tribulations they were to undergo, is, I will fendyou the Spirit, the Comforter, he Ihall give you peace in me, when in the world you Ilhall, have trouble. He fhall guide, and diref, and keep you in all your try- als. And fo the apoftle tells us it came to pafs, 2 Cor. i. 4, q, 6. Yea, and this under the greateft afiftions will carry the foul to the higheft joy, peace, tell, and contentment. So the fame apoftle, ROM. V. 3. Weglory io tribulations. It is a great exprefiion. He had fait before, that we gloried in the hope of the glory ofGod, ver. 2. Yea, but what if manifold afflic- tions and tribulations befal us ? Why? Even in them alto we glory, faith he, We glory in our tribulations; but whence is it, that our fpirits are fo born up, to a due management of afidions, as to glory in them in the Lord? He tells us, ver. g. It is from the (bedding abroad of the love of God in ous hearts by the Holy Ghofl. And thence are believers Paid to re- ceive the word in much a(J ittion, with joy of the Holy Ghofl, 1 Then. i. 6. And to take joyfully the fpoiling of their goods. This is that I aim at; there is no management, nor improvementof any afli&ion, but meetly and folely by the confolations of the Holy Ghoft. Is it then of any efteem or value unto you, that you lofe not all your tryals, temptations, and afllieii- ons, learn to value that whereby alone they are rendred ufeful. (a.) Sin is the fecond burthen of our lives, and much the greateft; unto this is this confolation peculiarly fuited : fo Heb. vi. 17, 18. an allulion ix taken from the man-flayer under the law, who having killed a man at una- wares, and brought the guilt of his blood upon himfelf, fied with fpeed for his deliverance to the city of refuge : our great and only refugefrom the guilt of fin, is the Lord Jefus Chrdt, in our flying to' lute, doth the Spirit adminifter confolation to us. A fenfe of fin fills the heart with troubles and difduietnefs; it is the Holy Ghoft, which gives us peace in Chriff. That gives an apprehenfionof wrath, the Holy Ghoft fheds abroad the love of God, in our hearts. From thence doth fatan, and the law accule us, as obje ¡s of God's hatred, The Spirit bears ss itnefr with ourfpi- rits,