Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

C¢02) Of CoMMUNION with ' hath laid down his life, that he did it out of love. Herein is maw- filled the love of God, that he laiddown bis life for us, be loved us; and ,gave hit/Tell for us, he loved us, andwafted us with his own blood. r Joh. tv. 6. Gal. ii. 20. Rev. i. 7. Hereunto it adds our hate and condition, confidered as he undertook for us, tanners, enemies, dead, alienated, then he loved us, and dyed for us, and wafhed us with his blood. May we not hence alfo have a valuation ofthe difpenfation of the Spirit for our confo- lation. He proceeds to that end from the Father ; he diftributes as he will works as he pleafeth. And what are we towards whom he carrieth on this .work ? Froward, perverfe, unthankful, grieving, Vexing, provoking hiss. Yet in his love and tendernefs, doth he continue to do us good. Let us by faith confider this love of the Holy Ghoft. It is the head, and fource of all the communion we have withhim in this life. This is, as I laid, fpoken only to prepare our hearts to the communion propofed : and what a little portion is it, of what might be fpoken ? How might all thefe confe- derations be aggravated? What a numberlefs number might be added? It fuffices, that from what is fpoken, it appears, that the work in hand is amongfk thegreateft duties, and moil excellent privileges of the gofpel. . ,> V F W .; m 4z 9 CHAP. VII. The general ways of thefaints a£ting in communionwith the Holy Ghofi. S in the account given of tit aftings of the Holy Ghoft in us, we manifefted firft the general adjunhs of his aftings, or the manner thereof; fo now in the defcription of the returns of our fouls to him, I fhall, in the firft place, pro - pofe the general ahings of faith, in reference to this work ofthe Holy Ghoft, and then defcend unto particulars. Now, there are three general ways of the foul's deportment in this com- munion, expreffed all negatively in the fcripture, but all including pofitive duties. Now thefe are, o. Not to grieve him. 2: Not to quench his motions. 3. Not to refill him. There are three things confiderable in the Holy Ghoft. (t.) His perfon, as dwelling in us. (2.) His aftings by grace, or his motions. (3.) His working in ordinances of the word, and the facraments; all for the fame end and purpofe. To thefe three, are the three cautions before foiled. [a.] Not to grieve him, in refpehof his perfon dwelling in us. [2.] Not to quench him, in refpe& of the aftings, and motions of his grace. , [3.] Not to refill him in refpe& of the ordinancesof aria and his gifts for their adminiftration. Now,.becaufe the whole general duty of believers, in their communion with the Holy Ghoft, is comprifed in thefe three things, I hall handle them feverally. [t.] The