each P E x s o N C4b3.i [t,] The firft caution concerns his perfon immediately, as dwelling in us. It is given, Eph. iv. go. Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God. There is a complaint, Ifa. lxiii. to. ofthem who vexed, or grieved the spirit of God. And from the» p doth this caution feem to be taken. That it is the perfon ofthe Holy Ghoft which is here intended, is evi dent, t.) From the phrafe, or manner of expreffion, with a double article 4 aveü/.a. vó, áywv ; that holy Spirit : and alfo, 2.) From the work aflgeed to him in the following words, of foaling to the day of redemption : which, as hath been manifefted, is the workof the Holy Ghoft.. Now whereas this may underftood of the Spirit in others, or in ourfelves, it is evident, that the apoftle intends it in the latter fenfe, by his addition of that fignal, and eminent privilege, which we our felves enjoy by him, be feels us to the day of redemption. Let us fee then the tendencyof this exprefiion, as comprifing the firft general rule of our communion with the Holy Ghoft. Grieve not the Spirit. The terms ofgrieving, or affecting with forrow, may be concdered either actively, in refpe t of theiTerfons grieving; or paffrvely, in refpecl of the perfon grieved. In the latter fenfe the exprefiton is metaphorical.; the Spirit cannot be grieved, or affected with forrow, -which infers alteration, difappointment, weaknefs, all incompatible with hisinfinite perfeftions: yet men may ailively do that which is fit and able to grieve any one, that Rands affefted towards them, as doth theHoly Ghoft. If he be not grieved, it is no thanks to us, but to his own unchangeablenature. So that there are two things denoted in this expreilion. (t. That the Holy Ghoft is affefted towards us, as one that is loving, careful, tender, concerned in our good, and well-doing; and therefore up- on our mifcarriages is faid to be grieved. As a good friend, ofa kind and loving nature, is apt to be fo on the mifcarriage of him whom he loth affe&. And this is that we are principally to regard in this caution, as the ground and foundationof it:; the love, kindnefs, and tendernefs of the Holy Ghoft untous : grieve him not. (2. That we may do thefe things, that are proper to grieve him, though he be not paffively grieved; our fin beingno lefs therein, than if he were grieved, as we are. Now how this is done, how the Spirit is grieved, the apoftle declareth in the contextureof that difcourfe, verfer 21, 22, 23, 24. He preffeth to a progrefs in fandification, and all the fruits ofregeneration, verfer 25, 26, 27, 28, 29. He deports from fundry particular evils, that were contrary thereto, and then gives the general enforcement of the one and the outer; and Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God; that is, by coming iltorrof that univerfal fan&ification, which our planting into Chnft Both require. The pofitive duty included in this caution, of not grieving the Holy Spirit, is this; that we purfue univerfal holinefs with regard unto, and upon the account of the love, kindnefs, and tendernefs of the Holy Ghoft. This is the foundation of our communion we have in general. When the foul confiders the love, kindnefs, and tendernefs of tite Holy Ghoft unto him, whets he confiders all the fruits and acts of his love and good-will towards him, and on that account, and under that confideration, becaufe he is fo concerned in our waysand walkings, to abftain from evils, and to walk in all duties of holinefs; this is to have communion with him. This confideration, that the Holy Ghoft, who is our Comforter, is delighted with our obedience, grieved at our evils and follies, being made a con-