L 4o6 ] Of COMMUNION with ,pyy p.yy`,gygy/,e,/g/,(_®y/( Sl JILC,JüeRVbcóVVbe+A\ >dd'Val;.2Vgo a ?maumkfmamm gi4 e+và ff";?'j>i6C>! i iRtóì6vA?! dÉ6ñsIhi .4._Y4:aJa rN-dö cN N YC2 ^-" Z cfiC' .E CHAP. VIII. Particular direflionr for communion with the Holy Ghoft. EFORE I name particular direiiions for our communion with the Holy Ghoft, I mull premife fome cautions, as far as the directions to be given concern his worlhip. Firfi, The divine nature is the reafon, and caufe of all worlhip i fo that it is impoffible to worlhip any one perihn, and not worlhip thewholeTrinitÿ.It is, and that not without ground, denyed by the Schoolmen, that the formal reafon and objeft of divine worlhip, is in the perlons precifely confidered i that is under the formally conftitutive reafonof their perfonality,which is their relation to each other: but this belongs to the divine nature, and came, and to their diftindb perfons as they are identified with the elfence itfelf. Hence is that way of praying to the Trinity, by the repetition of the fame petition to the feveral perlons, as in the Litany, groundlefs, if not impious. It fuppofeth, that one perfon is worfhipped, and not another, when each perfon is worfnipped as God, and each perfon is fo. As though we firfi Mould delire one thing of the Father, and be heard and granted by him, then askthe fame thingof the Son, and fo of the Holy Ghoft; and fo aft as to the fame thing three difiinfi alts of worlhip, and expert to be heard, and have the fame thing granted three times difiindly, when all the works of the Trinity ad extra, are indivifible. The proper, and peculiar objech of divine worlhip, and invocation, is the eflence,of God in its infinite excellency, dignity. majefty, and its caufa- lity, as thé firfi fovereign caufe of all things: now, this is common to all the three perlons, and is proper to each of them; not formally, as a per- fon, but as God bleffed for ever. All adoration refpefìs that which: is com- mon to all : fo that in each aft of adoration and worlhip, all are adored, and worfhipped. The creatures worlhip their creator ì and a man him in whofe image he was created, viz. him from whom defcendeth every good andpapa' gift; all this defcribing God, as God. Hence, Secondly, When we begin our prayers to God the Father, and end them in the name of jefus Chrift: yet the Son is no lets invocated, and wor- fhipped in the beginning than the Father, though he be peculiarly men- tioned as Mediator in the dole not as Son to, himfelf, but as Mediator to the whole Trinity, or God in Trinity. But in the invocation of God the Father, we invocate every perfon, becaufe we invocate the Father as God, every perfon being fo. Thirdly,