each PERSON difiinc`ily. [407] Thirdly, In that heavenly directory which we have, Ejihefi this whole bufinefs is declared : our accefs in our worfhip is faid to be to the Father; and this through Chrift, or his mediation by the Spirit, or . his affiftance. Here is adiftinetiorf of the perfons, as to their operations; but not at all, as to their being theobject of our worfhip. For the San, and the Holy Ghoft are no lefs worshipped in our accefs to God, than the Father himfelf. Only the grace of the Father, which we obtain by the Mediation of the Son, and the affiftance of the Spirit, is that which we draw nigh to God for. So that when by the diftind difpenfation ofthe Trinity, and every perfon, we are led to worfhip ; that is, to a& faith on or invocare any perfon, we do herein worfhip the wholeTrinity, and every perfon, by what name foever, of Father, Son, or Holy Ghoft, we invocare him. So that this is to be obferved in this whole matter; that when any work of the Holy Ghoft, or any otlier perfon, which is appropriated to him, we never exclude the concurrence of other perfons, draws us to the worfhip of him; yet he is not worshipped exclufìvely, but the whole God- head is worfhipped. Fourthly, There cautions being premifed, I fay, that we are diftinc'lly to worship the Holy Ghoft. As it is in the cafe of faith, in refpefr of the Father and the Son, yoh. xiv. 1. Believe in God, believe elfo in one. This extends itfelf no lefs to the Holy Ghoft. Chrift called the difciples for the actingof faith on him, he beingupon the accomplishment of the great work of his mediation : and the Holy Ghoft now carrying on the work of his delegation requireth the fame. And to the fame purpofe are their diftinit operations mentioned; .7dÿ Father worketh hitherto, and I work. Now, as the formal reafonof the worfhip of the Son, is not his mediati- on, but his being God, his mediation being a powerful motive thereto : fo the formal reafon ofour worfhipping the Holy Chaff, is not his being our Comforter, but his being.God, yet his being our Comforter is a powerful motive thereunto. This is the fum of the frft direction. The grace, aefings, love, effects of the Holy Ghoft, as he is our Comforter, ought ro-flit us up, and pro- voke us to love, worship, believe in, and invocate hint: though all this being diredcd to him as God, is no lefs directed on that account, to the other perfons, than to him onlyby thefruits of his love towards us, are we ftirred up unto it. Thefe things being: prefuppofed, let the faints learn to ad faith diftinctly on the Holy Ghoft, as the immediate, efficient taufe of all thegood things mentioned. Faith, I fay, to believe in him; and faith irr all things to be- lieve him, and ra yield obedienceto him. Faith, not imagination. The diftindion of the perfons in the Trinity, is not tobe fancied, but believed. So then, the Scripture fo fully, frequently, clearly, diftindly afcribing the thingswe have been fpeaking of, to the immediate efficiency of the Holy Ghoft, faith clofethwith him, in the truth revealed, and peculiarly regards him, worlhips him, ferves him, waits for him, prayeth tohim, praiferh him; all there things; I fay, the faints do in faith; the perfon ofchuHoly Ghoft, revealing itfelf in thefe operations and effects, is the peculiar objet of our worship. Therefore, when he ought to be peculiarly' honoured,, , and is not, he is peculiarlyfinned againft, Alle v. 2. Ananias is faid to lie to the Holy Ghofi : not to God, which being taken effenrially, would de- note