408] Of COMMuNI0N with note the whole Trinity; but peculiarly to the Holy Ghoft. Him he was to have honoured peculiarly, in that efpecial gift-of his, -which he made profeffion of : not doing it, he finned peculiarly againft him: but this mutt be a little farther branched into particulars.- z. Let us then lay weight on every eftèfl of the HolyGhoft, in anyof the particulars before-mentioned, on this account, that they are ads of his love, and power towards us. This-faith will do that takes notice of his kindriefs in all things. Frequently he performs, in fundry particulars, the office of a Comforter towards us, and we are not drroughly comforted ; we take no notice at all of what be doth ; then is he grieved. Of thole who do receive, and own the confolation he tenders, and adininifters'; how few are there that confider him, as the Comforter,' and rejoyce in him as they ought ? Upon every work of confolation that the believer receives, this ought his faith to refolve upon : this is from the Holy Ghoft, he is the Comforter, the God of all confolation. I know there is no joy, peace, hope, nor comfort but what he works, gives, and bellows; and that he might give me this confolation, he bath willingly condefcended to this office of a Comforter, his lovewas in it, and on that account doth he con- tinue it. Alfo he is fent by the Father and Son for that end and purpofe. By this means come I to be partaker of my joy; it is in the Holy Choft; of confolation, he is the comforter. What price now Call I fet upon his love ? How Call I value the mercy that 1. have received? This, I fay, is applicable to every particular effect of the HolyMoll to- wards us, and herein have we communion and fellow-flail, with him, as was do part difcovered in our handling the particulars : Doth he flied abroad the love of God in our hearts? Dotlr he.witnefs unto our adoption? The foul confiders his prefence, ponders his love, his condefcenf on, goodnefs, and kindnefs, is filled with reverence ofhim, and care not to gr,ieve him, and labours to preferve his temple, his habitation pure and holy. 2. Again, our communionwith him csufetla in us returning praife, and thanks, and honour, and glory, and blefling to hini, on the acc000t of the mercies and privilegeswhich we receive from him, which are many. Herein conflits our next direction. So dowewith the Son of God on the account of our redemption: To him that loved 21S, andwafted us with his own blood to him bepraife andglory, Rev. i. 6, q, t4. And are not the like praifes and bleffings due to him, by whom the work of redemption is made effectual to us? Who with no lets. infinite love undertook our confolation than the Son our redemption ? When we feel our hearts warmed with joy, fupported in peace, eftablifhed'in obedience, let us afcribe to-him the praife that is due to him; biefs his name, and rejoyce in him. Andthis glorifying of the Holy Ghoft in thankfgivings, on á fpiritual fenfe ofhis confolations, is no fmall part of ourcommunionwith-him. Con- fidering his free ingagement inthis work, his coming forth from the Father to this purpofe, his miffion bythe Son, and condefcenfion therein, his love and kindnefs, the foul of a believer, is poured out in thankful praifesto him, and is fweetly affected with the duty. There is no duty that leaves a morg heavenly favour in else foul than this doth.. Alfo, In our prayersto him,for the carrying on the work of our confolation,, which he bath undertaken, lyes our communion withhim. yobs prays for grace and peace from the feven fpirits.that arebefore thethrone, or the Holy, Ghoft, whore operations are perfect and compleat This part of his wor-` íbip is expreflymentioned frequently in fcripture, and all others do need., farily attend it. Let the faints confider, what need they Rand in of there effects