each PERSON di;/iincily. [409] cffeds of the HolyGhoft before mentioned, with many fuch other , as might be intifted on. Weigh all the privileges, which we are made partakers of. Remember that he diftributes thein as he will, that he hath the fovereign difpofal of them, and they will be prepared for this duty. How and in what fence it is to be performed, hath been already de elated : what is the formal reafon of this worfhip, and ultimate objed of it, I have alfo manifested. In the duty itfelf is put forth no (Mall part of the life, efficacy, and vigour of faith ; and we come (tort of that enlargedriefs of fpirit in dealing with God, and are ftraightened from walking in the breadth of his ways, which we are called unto, if we learn not ourfelves to meet him with lais worship in every way he is pleated to communicate himfelf unto us. In thefe things he does fo in the perfon of the Holy Chaff; in that perfon do we meet him, his love, grace, and authority, by our prayers and fupplicatians. Again, 4. Confider him as he condefcends to this delegation of the Father and the Son, be to be our Comforter, and ask him daily of the Father in the name of :fetus Chriff. Tisis is the daily work of believers. They look upon, and by faith confider the Holy Ghoft, as promifed to be feat: in. this promife, they know, ayes all their grace, peace, mercy, joy, and hope. For by him to promifed, and him alone, are thefe things commu- nicated to them. If therefore our life to God, or tine joy of that life be confiderable, in this we are to abound : to ask himof the Father, as chil- dren do of their parents, daily bread. And as in tisis asking, and receiving of the Holy Ghoft, we have communion with the Father, in his love, whence he is feat, and with the Son in his grace, whereby Ise is obtained for us, fo with'himfelf, on the account of his voluntary condefcenfion to this difpenfation. Every requeft for the Holy Ghoft, implies our 'doling with all thefe ; Oh the riches of the grace of God! g. Humbling ourfelves for our mifcarriages, in reference to him, is an- other part of our communion with him. That we have grieved him, as to his perfon, quenched him, as to the motion of his grace, or refuted him in his ordinances, is to be mourned for, as bath beendeclared. Let our fouls be humbled before him on this account, This one confiderable ingredient of godly forrow, and the thoughts of it are as fuitable to the àffefting of our hearts with humiliation, and indignation againft fin, as any other whateve,r. I might proceed in the like confideration; as alfo, .cake application of them to the particular effects of the Holy Ghoft enu- tnerated ; but my defgn is only to point out the heads of things, and to.. leave them to the improvement of others. - I fhall time up this whole difcourfe with tome confderations of the fad &ate and condition of men not interefted in this promife of the Spirit, nor made partakers of his confolation. 1. They have no true confolation or comfort, be their efiate and condi- tion.wlsat it will. Are theyunder affliftion in trouble? They mud bear their own burthen, and how much too weak they are for it, if God be pleated to lay on his hand with more weightthan ordinary, is eafly known, Men may have ftoutnefs of fpirit, and put on great refolutions to wreftle with their troubles. But when this is meetly from the natural fpirit of a man, it is, (r.) For the most part with refpeft to others, that they maynot ap- pear low-fpirited, or dejected. Their hearts are eaten up and devoured with tegubles and anxiety of mind. Their thoughts are perplexed, and 11111 they